Death again

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ya'll know something bads going to happen when you see this gif ^^

Valerie awoke the next morning with a weird feeling erupting in her stomach. It was as if something bad had happened.

She quickly woke everyone else up so that they could continue to hike. After a few groans of frustration, the rest of them woke up.

"Guys! Where's Jeremy?" This question startled Elena, who had a confused look spread across her face. "I spoke to him last night, he couldn't of gone far."

Bonnie became worried "I'll try a locator spell." She walked off to find her own space. Valerie walked into the shed where Damon was, he had Shane sat in a chair whilst he questioned him.

"Where's the cure?" Shane glared at him "Does it matter? I think we both know you'd rather just torture me. Torture gives you a sense of control, especially with your relevance slipping away."

Damon calmly breaks a metal rod in half as he stares him down. "And look at you. Here you are, hours from Elena breaking her sire bond. You're starting to freak out a little bit. Listen, you want my advice? Leave. Go. Don't put yourself through this."

Damon whacks Shane with the halves of the metal rod "Agh! Fine. Okay. Let's say her feelings for you are real. How does that end? She's human. You're a vampire."

Damon strikes him across the face with the rod; Shane groans in pain. "It's doomed, Damon. See, you're not torturing me, man. You're torturing yourself by helping them find the cure." Damon growled "I could kill you. Then no one would find it."

Valerie gasped and tried to interrupt but Shane started talking again.

"We've established that you can't kill me without sending Bonnie off the deep end. You can leave the island. Have a modicum of self-respect. Don't stay here and watch Elena walk away from you."

Damon smirked "Right. Because if I'm not here, then I can't get in between you and whatever you're planning with Silas. Well, I'm not that easily manipulated, professor. And there is one flaw in your logic." He bends down to talk in Shane's ear. "I don't give a crap about Bonnie Bennett."

Damon grabs Shane's head like he's about to snap it, but suddenly Elena vamp-runs in and pushes him away from Shane.

Valerie simply rolled her eyes and left the small shed to find Bonnie. She saw her slowly following a thin trail of fire that had spread across the woods.

She decided to follow her in case she lost control of her magic.

After a long walk through the woods, Valerie came across a small clearing where Shane and a stranger she had never met before stood with a passed out Jeremy. She gasped quietly.

Bonnie stumbles upon the three of them. "How did I get here? What the hell's going on?" Shane grinned "I see your locator spell worked."

Bonnie looked back and furrowed her eyebrows as she saw Valerie. "Valerie did you follow me?" She nodded and walked closer to her. Bonnie just sighed. "The path behind me--" Shane smiled as if he had done nothing wrong.

"Magically disappeared? You can thank the talents of Massak. He's a witch. Should you try to escape, he'll ensure that you never find your way back. So, the gang's all here. Silas awaits."

Valerie glared at him. "I never trusted you."

Shane, Bonnie, Valerie, Jeremy, and Massak are walking towards the cave entrance, Shane leading the way. Inside, they reach the hole they have to climb down into.

"This is as far as I go." Shane sighed "We're on the brink of a monumental event in human history. We're going to raise the most powerful immortal creature that ever was. Come on, our work's not done yet."

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