The 20s Ball

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"Alaric?" Elena And Valerie we're walking down to the basement in the Salvatores house. "Yep. Still me." Elena unlocks the door and enters the cell. Alaric is sitting on a cot in the room.

"You know, you shouldn't be in here. It defeats the point of the whole being locked in a cellar thing." Elena drops the bag on the ground. "Well, you still need the basics. Toothbrush, clothes, some boring books to help you sleep." Alaric picks up one of the books and hands it to Valerie.

"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?" Valerie frowned "What? No, I grabbed....Damon." Drops the book on the floor. "Thinks he's hilarious."
Alaric laughed quietly "At least one of us still has a sense of humor." Elena sighed "Are you sure that you...? I mean you don't have to be kept in here."

Alaric sighed "Ah, no, this is...this is the right place for me to be. At least until you guys can convince my highly uncooperative alter ego to fess up to where I or he hid the white oak stake." Elena sighed "We looked everywhere. You....the other you, hid it well." Alaric sighed as well "What's Klaus gonna do if you can't find it?"

Valerie explained "It's the only thing that will kill him, so wage war, murder people, you know Klaus stuff." Elena pulls up a chair and sits down in it.

"Listen, Stefan is gonna watch over you for a little while. Now that Klaus knows where Jeremy is, it's not safe so, Damon and I are gonna go to Denver to pick him up."
Alaric chuckled "Why do you say that like you're waiting for me to disapprove?"

"I don't know. Me and Damon. Traveling across the country." Alaric grew serious "I guess I'm more curious to hear what Stefan has to say about it." Elena sighed "Actually, it was his idea. He thinks that I have some unresolved feelings for Damon." "Do you?"
Valerie rolled her eyes "of course she does"

Elena glared at her, "I guess that's why I'm going on this trip. So I can figure it out."

Valerie decided to go home and get some sleep, recently she hasn't been able to sleep long enough, being wrapped in the supernatural problems.


Valerie, Caroline and Elena are walking through the gym hall which is being decorated for the 20s Decade Dance. Caroline has a clipboard and is in charge of the preparations as Rebekah is missing.

"So, Alaric is trying to pull himself together, why is that a bad thing?" Elena sighed "I just...I wish there was something I could do."
Elena picks up a chandelier. "Where do you want me to hang this thing?" Caroline scoffed "You know what, if Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrousity she should have shown up to do it herself." She hands the chandelier to a passingby student.

"Just no!" Caroline sees Matt and Jeremy hanging up stars in the ceiling. "What are you doing? You can't just hang them! They're supposed to trickle down." Matt hit jeremy playfully "Trickle, duh!"

"Look at them all bromancy." Elena smiled up at them "Yeah I asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust. He got him his old job back at the Grill." Caroline smiled "That was nice of him." Elena sighed "Jeremy has got a lot on his mind. The whole thing with Alaric has got him really stressed out."

"You sure it has nothing to do with witnessing you and Damon getting hot and heavy in a skeevy motel?" Elena frowned at Valerie "I didn't tell you that so you could torture me with it." Caroline shook her playfully "Aww, what are friends for? So who are you bringing to the dance?"

Elena wraps a feather boa around her neck. "What do you mean? I thought you, Bonnie, Valerie and I were going as girl dates." Caroline smiled suggestively "Hm, Bonnie has a date." Valerie threw her arms up and whined "What?!" Caroline laughed "Jamie called and wanted to see her so she asked him."

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