Vampire For A Sister

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Valerie walks into Elena's bedroom after she woke up. "Val!" she pulled her into a hug. "Are you okay? I watched Caroline go through this, she was a mess. Her emotions were all over the place. All these old memories came flooding back." Elena glances over at the lightbulb again, but turns back to face Valerie.

"I'm fine. I'm not Caroline." Jeremy then walks into the room overhearing the conversation "No, you're not. You're you. You act like everything's okay so no one worries about you but you need help." Elena keeps glancing at the lightbulb. Elena snaps "I said I'm fine, okay? I - I'm sorry, I....Have you talked to Bonnie?"

Jeremy nodded "Yeah, she said when I was shot, she made some plea to the witch spirits to bring me back and they listened."
Elena sighed "Yeah, but the consequences were horrible." Jeremy scoffed "And what could be more horrible than you turning into a vampire? I need my sister, not another one of them."

"We're gonna find a way out of this. Everything's gonna be okay." Valerie nods "I hope so." Jeremy and Valerie leave. Elena turns around and looks at the lightbulb in the lamp. She strides towards it, pulls off the lampshade and crushes the lightbulb in her hand.

Valerie was currently in the hospital with Matt and Caroline, waiting for Matt to be released. "Elena doesn't want to be a vampire." Caroline shook her head "She doesn't want to be dead and now she's not. This isn't your fault, Matt."

"It's all my fault. I was driving. I was saved. She's a vampire because of me!" Valerie looked at him sympathetically. "Shh! Cool it on the V word. I'm a fugitive, remember? I'm supposed to be halfway to Florida by now." Valerie furrowed her brows "If the Council is after you, then why are you here?"

"Because I don't know where to go." She starts crying. "Tyler's dead and everything's different now and I..." she trailed off. Matt and Valerie embrace her in a group hug. Suddenly, Caroline pulls away. They hear an officer coming towards the room.

Caroline leaves dragging Valerie with her. The officer opens the door and sees Matt standing alone. "Can I help you?"

Caroline is about to leave the house with Valerie following. Her phone is ringing and she answers it. "Mom, hey!" The Sheriff sighs "Caroline, where are you? And tell me it's far away." Caroline lies quickly "Where am I? Uh...Good question. Uh...there's just a whole lot of boring highways. Why, is everything okay?"

Caroline and Valerie leaves the house. Caroline goes to lock the front door when an officer comes up from behind and stabs a vervain into her neck. She drops her phone and Sheriff Forbes hears the commotion. "Caroline, what's going?"

Valerie tries to pick up the phone but as soon as she touches it she hears a bang then all she sees is black.

Valerie wakes up tied down in ropes. She looks over to see Caroline and Rebekah. "are you okay val?" She nodded in response "what's going on?" Rebekah sighed "the council's rounding up vampires." Valerie furrowed her eyebrows "but I'm not a vampire."

She shrugged "must of thought you were when you were with Caroline." She nodded in agreement. "Idiots." They all laughed quietly.

Suddenly, something crashed into the vehicle and knocked it over. Valerie hit her head hard where her head had swung back from the force. She fell unconscious.

The doors at the back swung open revealing a very alive Tyler Lockwood. "Tyler? H-how are you alive?" He looked to Caroline, and he started to untie Valerie's ropes, he then untied Carolines and picked Valerie up. "Go, I'll take her back home." Caroline nodded and left. "What about me?" Tyler looks to her "keep em busy, little sister."


Valerie woke up sitting up straight away. She looked around the room, recognising it as her own. It wasn't until she heard a quiet cough that she noticed someone sitting on the chair next to her bed.

"Tyler? I thought you were dead? No offence." He nodded "well, I guess it was a miracle." She chuckled then realised he must've saved her from the council. She stood up but still feeling a little dizzy she wobbled and nearly fell but Tyler had caught her before she had. "Wow, careful love."

Her head shot up. "Love?" His eyes widened at his mistake. "Klaus." He nodded "you are a smart one aren't you?" She was stunned. Valerie couldn't deny the happiness she felt. She wrapped him in a hug and Klaus/Tyler stood still in shock, he slowly returned the gesture by wrapping his arms around her back.

"I take it you've got a plan to get back into your old body." He nodded "and does Tyler live after?" He nodded again confirming her questions as yes. "Go on then, get your body back."

EVERLASTING LOVE ( KLAUS MIKAELSON ) ONEWhere stories live. Discover now