Potential Hunter

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Valerie tred along a path in New Orleans, she thought it was magnificent as the lights lit up the walkway.

A parade was happening in the middle of town. When Valerie heard she immediately rushed to get there.

She watched as lots of different people were all dressed up from head to toe in different cultural clothing.

She had thought Klaus had left for Mystic Falls, not realising he was watching her in that very moment.

She sighed in content as she enjoyed the playful atmosphere.

"Hello, Sweetheart." Valerie groaned, her happiness dying down. She was still mad at him. He frowned slightly. "I see you're still mad at me?" She just huffed in reply.

Valerie started walking away from him "I'm going home, no reason to be here anymore." Klaus nodded "I'll drive you."

Valerie shook her head "I'd rather you didn't." Klaus rolled his eyes "and how else are you suppose to get there? With no money."

Valerie huffed "fine." They walked towards the car and she got into the passengers seat.

She felt something itch slightly on her hand and looked down to see black lines joining up to make some sort of tattoo.

She became worried and decided to keep it to herself.


Valerie came home to find an empty house. She immediately went over to the Salvatore boarding house.

She slammed the door open, "Hello?!" She heard a flash of wind which revealed to be Damon.

"Valerie! I was getting worried."

Valerie rolled her eyes. "Where is everyone?" Damon figgited but didn't answer. "What is it Damon?"

"Well, you see, when you disappeared we dealt with the Hunter and Elena killed him." Valerie's eyes widened, "she killed someone?"

Damon rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, Klaus has her locked up." Valerie furrowed her eyebrows. "But Klaus was with me?"

"Was he now?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "Shut up Damon, So he took her before I was taken?" He nodded. "Stefan's on his way to get her right now."

Valerie nodded thinking that soon she'll be safe. She felt even more angry at Klaus.

Damon's phone rang, as Stefan was calling him. "Elena's gone." Damon froze "What? How?!" Valerie became frustrated that she couldn't hear the other side.

Damon swore a few time and then the line went dead. "Elena's escaped."

"So Stefan's plan didn't go so well." Damon gave her a pointed look. "His plans never work." She then rolled her eyes. "Well I'm going to go find her."

Damon stopped her. "You can't just go after a crazy vampire! Do you even know where to start?" Valerie huffed "I'm fed up of people telling me what to do! And yes I do know where to start. Wickery Bridge."

Damon rolled his eyes. "Eh, anyone would of thought of it." Valerie scoffed "because you did." Her voice was full of sarcasm.

"You stay here." Valerie thought about protesting but decided against it and nodded. "Fine."


Valerie was now walking around hoping to spot Elena somewhere, when she comes across Jeremy and Stefan.

"Hey did you find Elena?" Stefan's head shot up to hers. "Damon took her back to your place." Valerie nodded and looked towards Jeremy, who was currently looking at his hand.

Valerie snatched it into her hand. "Jeremy did you get a Tattoo?! You're too young!" She then looked closely at it, then looked at her hand. Realising it was the same as hers.

"Wait. You have a hunters mark?" Valerie furrowed her eyebrows. "Hunters mark?"

"Only hunters and potential hunters can see it." Valerie shook her head "but I'm not a hunter."

"But you could be a potential, you weren't here when we discovered Jeremy." Valerie nodded "I suppose, so what do I do?"

"We grow out your mark."

Plot twist there. Bet you didn't see that coming. Lots of drama coming soon.

I'm thinking of ending this soon, should I make a sequel?

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