Ordinary People

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Elena, Alaric and Valerie were walking through the tunnels in the Lockwood cellar. "So, the Lockwoods really have no idea that these tunnels are underneath their property?" Valerie asked curiously, whilst elena was shining her torchlight around, "Careful where you shine that thing. Bats hate the light."

Elena's eyes widened "Wait, what?" Damon secretly comes up and whispers behind her.
"Elena!" She turns around and sees Damon behind her She turns around and sees him.
"Boo!" She jumps from fright. Elena gasps "Ah! God, Damon!" Valerie rolled her eyes "Scaredy-cat!"

"Just ignore him. That's what I do." Valerie turned to Alaric "still hate him?" He nodded in return. "So, you really can't get in?" Damon turns to her "No. Seems even the ancientLockwoods were anti-vampire."

"What do you mean, ancient?"Damon gestures forward "See for yourself." They walk further into the tunnels, to the cave with drawings engraved on the walls. "Well, this is as far as I get to go."

Elena walks in and shines her torch over the drawings, "What is all this?" Valerie wondering the same thing turned towards the drawings, she recognises them and describes them to Elena. "Well, as far as I can tell, it's a story. In simple, archaeological terms, it's a really, really old story." She then points at the wall "That right there, is the moon cycle." Valerie points at another drawing "A man, a wolf."

Elena stares at her in surprise, then turns towards the drawings "A werewolf." Damon spoke through the invisible barrier. "Yeah, it's the Lockwood Diaries: Pictionary-Style." Elena still confused asked "I don't understand. I thought the Lockwoods came here with the Original Founders in the 1860s."

"I don't know. Maybe the Lockwoods did, but according to this wall, these werewolves have been here a lot longer than that.Elena: How long?" Valerie told her, now confused herself. "Long. It gets better. Show her, Ric." Alaric takes over explaining

"Names. They're not native. They're written in Runic, a Viking script." Elena turns to him "Vikings?" Alaric continues "This name here, I translated it and it reads Niklaus." Valerie's eyes widened in shock, "Klaus, And Elijah...and Rebekah." Valerie finished.

Alaric turned to Valerie confused, "how do you even know this?" She explained simply, "I do well in class." She then turned back ot the drawings, Alaric turned to Damon but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"These are the names of the Original Family?" Valerie spole under her breath sarcastically "no, their the salvatores" Elena hearing this clearly glared at her.

"Yes, Carved into a cave that's been here since way before the founding of Mystic Falls. Or even the entire New World, for that matter." Valerie spoke again, not believing this "Okay, this has gotta be one of Klaus's fakes." Damon pointed at her "That's what I said."

Alaric nodded "That could be true, except the last name up here made us think otherwise." Valerie read it, "Mikael." Elena moved her head towards Alaric, "Mikael...Mikael, as in, the vampire hunter who knows how to kill Klaus?" Damon shook his head yes "Yep. I now like to call him "Papa Original"."

Alaric, Valerie, Elena and Damon were now back at Alaric's place. "These images tell a story....to learn the story, you have to decipher these images." Alaric explained this to Valerie, who then began figuring out the pictures.

Whilst they worked on the drawings, Damon and Elena were working on Elena's fighting skills. Damon effortlessly disarms Elena, who tries to stake him. "Sloppy!" Elena grabs the stake. "Shut up! I'm new at this."

Damon joined in with Valerie and Alaric's Conversation whilst fighting Elena. "Ghost of Christmas Past" Mason Lockwood set up the cave and led us to a weapon that can kill Klaus." Elena nodded "Yeah, but doesn't Mikael have a weapon?"

Damon nodded back "Yes. Which probably means the wall will lead us to Mikael, who we have already found...and lost." He overwhelms Elena "Bang! You're dead!" He nibbles on Elena's neck. She pushes him away and walks over to Alaric at the table. Valerie rolled her eyes "just get together already" Elena blushed whilst Damon smirked.

"These images at the very least might tell us what that weapon is." Alaric continued fed up with Elena and Damon. Elena then stated "Then all we have to do is find out what they mean." Damon threw his hands up in defeat, "Fine! Fine! If I am being irritatingly optimistic like you two...how do you suppose we do that?"

"Well, if the story is about the Original Family living here, then we go straight to the source!" Valerie scoffed, as if rebekah would listen to her.


Rebekah is with the rest of the cheerleading squad at practice, doing a series of gymnastics , when Elena and Valerie walk up to her.

"You! Goody." She speaks with fake enthusiasm "I was hoping we could talk." Rebekah turns to her "About what? Stefan? Don't worry, I'm off him until he starts treating me better. In fact, you should probably take a page out of my book, if I'm being honest."

Elena scoffs "Actually, I'd rather talk about this." She holds up a photo of Rebekah's name written on the cave wall. "I'm curious why you and Klaus have spent a thousand years running from your father." Rebekah's face turns cold and tries to end the conversation "I should get back to the girls. Homecoming's right around the corner." She then turns to leave.

Valerie rolls her eyes at Elena attempt to get her to speak, and goes with her own plan "Well then, maybe I'll ask Mikael when we wake him." Rebekah freezes and turns around "You're bluffing! You don't know where he is. No one does." Valerie smirks "So, then who's rotting in that old cemetery in Charlotte?" Rebekah glares at her "If you wake Mikael, we are all doomed!"

Elena then speaks up again "So then, tell me." Rebekah becomes suspicious "Why do you want to know?" Elena asks "Why don't you want me to wake him?" Rebekah avoids the question "I need to get back to the girls."

Rebekah turns and walks back towards the squad, shaken by what she's heard.


Alaric is looking at the photos. He writes "vampire" on a post-it note and places it on one of the pictures. He picks up another picture and compares it to the one he just stuck the post-it note on. Valerie walks over, she sees that the other picture has a circle with an outline that looks more like a sun, so she switches the "vampire" post-it to the other picture and writes "werewolf" on another post-it and puts it onto the first picture.

Outside the apartment, Elena is on the phone with Damon. She is walking up the stairs to Alaric's loft. Valerie now walks over to Elena, "She's going to tell me. She's scared of him, Damon. I saw her face. I just have to engage in a little "mean girl" power struggle first." Valerie scoffs, "yeah, just leave that to me" she then pats her on the shoulder and turns back to Alaric.

After her chat with Alaric, Elena then receives a text from Rebekah, 'Come over for a chat, Rebekah.' She shows it to Valerie, who then grabs her bag "let's go then, see ya Rick."


The two Gilberts enter the house and hear music, while Rebekah walks into the foyer with champagne glasses.

Rebekah speaks cheerfully "Hey! What's up?" Elena speaks confused "You invited me over? To talk?" Rebekah then brings out girls in different dresses. "All right girls, have at it!"

Valerie's eyes light up at the sight of the beautiful dresses. "Okay, now twirl please."
They twirl and show off the dresses. "You compelled your own private runway show?" Rebekah shrugged not bothered "I need a Homecoming dress. So, what do you think? Pick one." Valerie stood up examining the dresses carefully then enthusiastically chose the red one. Whilst Elena, on the other hand didn't want to play her games "i'm not here to help you shop. I'm here to talk about why you don't want me to wake up Mikael."

Rebekah rushes to one of the girls, grabs her neck and vamps out.

Rebekah glares at her "I said "pick one", Elena." Elena hurridly picks "The...red one." Valerie then pouts, "copycat."

Is this good? I'm sorry if there's not much of Valerie and Klaus but it's hard to involve him when he's not in these episodes.

EVERLASTING LOVE ( KLAUS MIKAELSON ) ONEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora