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It was in the middle of winter. The night was cold and ash was floating in the sky due to a house recently being burnt to the ground . The night was ringing with the sounds of police and fire engine sirens with firefighters, detectives and police officers running around to calm down the neighborhood and find the solution to the fire.

"Officer Jones, the fire seems to have started from the inside. Gasoline was poured all over the house. However the detective said that two of the three cadavers were shot however the third was stabbed constantly. The bodies will be taken in for more research but this seems to have been murder."

"Thank you officer Jenkins. This information will be very useful however were there anymore bodies in the house?"

"No sir, all rooms were checked thoroughly and no other people were hurt."

"Is there any part of the house that has not been burnt?"

"No sir."

"Thank you Jenkins you're dismissed."

As officer Jones entered the remains of a house he can smell the gasoline and see the three body bags in the corner. Burnt books and pictures were lying on the floor and debris was lying in the floor. Evidence of the fire engines water mixed together with the ash on the floor with muddy footsteps across the floor.

"Officer Jones? The bodies have been recognized."

Officer Jones nodded signaling for the detective to carry on as he picked up a charred picture of the family of four. It showed two adults, supposedly the parents, standing behind two little girls.

"The two adults Ronald and Betty Robertson and their youngest daughter Daniella."

"What about their other daughter?"

"There is no other body."

Jones was lost in thought. Imagining different scenarios in which why their child was not there. "Find their other daughter now before it's too late."

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