Chapter 32

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Stacey's POV

After Hannah and I had unpacked and cleaned everything, I checked on Alice and found that she was still sleeping, before heading towards the gym to try get back into shape and to say hi to the rest of the gang.

When I arrived I saw many Medium Ranks scattered around the gym and some Lower Ranks as well. I said hello to a few people I am acquainted with before heading over the the punching bags. I strap my hands and do a few warm ups before starting my 'Get your ass back into shape' exercises.

About an hour into my training and I am sweating like a dog. Twenty minutes ago I left the punchbag and headed over to the treadmill, and let me tell you that I am definitely not as good at running as I was a few days ago. Those cocktails and junk food sure catch up to you faster than you can run away from them.

"Hey Stacey?" A sudden voice came out of nowhere when I was deep in thought scaring me half to death and making me nearly fall off the treadmill which could've ended in me being in a crumpled state on the floor.

I look to my left to see an amused Hannah smirking at my clearly shaken state before giving her a small joking glare, turning off the treadmill and waiting for what she has to say.

"So Andrew called about five minutes ago to let me know that in about a weeks time all the HR's in California will be attending Xavier and Ruby Black's 25th anniversary as a married couple. It is going to be very formal so that means that us girls have to go shopping." Hannah says very excitedly for the first part and sort of sad for Alice in the end which I can relate to.

"Okay wow first of all, who is Xavier and Ruby Black and secondly, how are all the HR's go into contain themselves from causing fights and lastly, is Alice going to be okay for the party?" Don't get me wrong, I, super excited however I don't know how all the gangleaders and their HR's are going to control themselves around their enemies and such. I mean there is defiantly going to be fights.

Hannah's excitement is still bubbling over the top while she answers all my questions. "Xavier and Ruby Black used to be one of California's most powerful gangs until they passed it down to their son Damon Black. Then Jayce became a lot more popular and powerful overthrowing Damon however after many fights they eventually became good friends surprisingly. The party is also going to be fully protected by maximum security and there is going to be metal detectors everywhere preventing any type of weapon to be confiscated and if any is found they will be taken away from the building. Also the gangs have to sign a contract saying that they will not under any circumstance start a fight or else they will be forced out the building and drastic measures will be used. Also the doctor said Alice will be fine by the time the party arrives but she just won't be able to wear heels."

That was a lot to comprehend however deep inside of me I was actually very excited and I cannot wait until it comes around except for the fact that I have nothing to wear. "Why you so excited?" I laugh at Hannah's state.

"Because these parties are the BEST! It's like one of the only times that gangs can come together and have fun instead of fight. I mean of course you get the odd death stare but other people are surprisingly nice." Hannah starts to head towards the exit leaving me in the gym,"Oh and shopping tomorrow for dresses but we can't wear red because that's what Xavier and Ruby are wearing, ironic right?" She throws over her shoulder before leaving the gym completely.

My mind is absolutely blown. I have only been in the gang for about a month now and I'm going to be attending a party with all of the HR's in California! I mean that's just amazing.

I pack up my things, now not in the mood for more training, and head off to follow Hannah out and go get food however as I am in the elevator on the way out I hear my phone ring.

Taking it out I see the name 'Bastard' written on the front. Giggling a bit at my creative nickname for Jayce, I answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Stacey I just wanted to let you know about in a weeks time there-" I cut him off because I already know about the party. "Will be a party for Xavier and Ruby Black's party?" I answer smugly before stepping out the elevator into the garden and heading towards the house.

"Wait how did you- Hannah? Right well anyway, meet me back at the house as soon as you can. I will be in my office." And with that be hangs up on me. Okaayyy that was rude but whatever.

After a few minutes I arrive back home and I head quickly to my room before hopping in the shower and freshening up. The urge to not go to Jayce is huge however as the nice person I am, I head towards the direction of his office but as I stop outside the closed door, I'm not sure I really want to go inside.

But my thoughts were cut short as a gruff voice came from behind the door. "Are you going to stand there like an idiot or are you going to come in?" Ug what a jerk. I suddenly push the double doors open with force creating a grand entrance and trying my hardest to keep the satisfied smile off my face I mean come on, who doesn't want to do that?

Jayce is sitting at his desk as per usual writing a few things down. The dark sky behind him in the window give his silhouette a eerie effect complementing his striking looks to which I frowned wishing he wasn't so good looking so I wouldn't be falling so easily. I take a seat in front of him.

"I called you in tonight because I was wondering if tomorrow you would like to start learning how to drive. Of course you will learn in a older car so you won't damage your one but nevertheless you will learn. By the way this is a demand not a question so tomorrow at 6:30 in the morning we will start. I don't have time to teach you day after day so you are going to have to learn quickly. Also everyone will be taking turns teaching you. That is all goodnight." He says looking up from his paper however once he is done he goes straight back.

I scoff at his rudeness and stand abruptly making the chair scrape against the floor before exiting with a sour yet very excited expression on my face. I'm going to learn how to drive my beautiful car! I mean it was so horrible that a few days ago I got a car but we then left quickly before I could even sit inside. I cannot wait for tomorrow but we can't let Jayce know that...

Wow I am tired however I have a long weekend to sleep in and eat junk!! Hope you guys enjoyed. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow guys. Love you all xxx


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