Chapter 16

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About three steps into the house and a body had already tackled me to the floor. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Why did you go outside? I'm sorry I didn't help but your okay right? Just say something or nod! Answer me!" Alice started screaming questions into me ear. "Maybe I would answer you if you would give me a chance!" I shouted straight back making her laugh and help me up off the floor.

I pulled my hair down to the left side of my neck to cover the hickies however this action did not go unnoticed by Alice. "What are you doing? Did he try strangle you?" She starts panicking and trying to look under my hair.

"Alice, Alice! I'm fine! No he didn't strangle me or hit me I'm just moving my hair because it was irritating me is that a crime?" She looks at me as if she doesn't believe me and then she looks down at my neck again as if to double check but it's still covered in hair so she can't see it.

"Ok. Fine. Let's go watch a movie I really want to watch this ~~~" she keeps on talking but my eyes are on Jayce who is looking at me with humor in his eyes and I flip him off before walking away with Alice.

"Alice! Stacey! We're going to a business meeting in about ten minutes so while we're gone don't burn the house down or break anything okay?" Andrew calls from upstairs. Alice and I both nod our heads but we are too fixated on the movie to even care about what they are saying or that they don't know our answer because we nodded our heads to people who can't even see us.

A few moments later we hear the door slam closed indicating that the boys have left. As much as I love the movie we're watching, I was tired from everything that has happened today and decide to take a sleep while Alice is still watching.

I don't know how much later it was since I fell asleep but I woke up to a loud gasp from Alice. "Is that, no it can't be. Yes it is! Those are hickies! Who? When? Where? Oh my god are you and Andrew..." She yet again bombarded me with questions.

"No, no, God Alice no. I uh, we uh, it just... Um." I wasn't so sure of how to explain myself to her. I mean it's kind of hard telling your best friend that you made out with her brother. Also the one that tortured me for two months. Remind me why I kissed him again.

"Oh my god! You made out with my brother! That's disgusting and awesome and disgusting!" I have no words.

"I mean it's disgusting that you made out with my brother but it's awesome because if you guys get married we would literally be sisters! In law that is. But omg!" At this point I start laughing at her outburst but was in desperate need of a subject change so... "Hey Alice, what was Jayce angry about?" Her once joyful face turns into one of sorrow and on the verge of tears.

I jump up and give her a hug pulling her back down onto the sofa with me while she tries to explain between her sobs. "Well, Wh-when we were little my family were very close with this other family, the-the Smiths. Yesterday they g-got murdered but their daughter Melissa escaped b-but her brother and p-p-parents died."  She breaks down sobbing and all I could do was whisper soothing words into her ear to help her calm down.

"Come on sweetie. I think it's time to go to bed. We have both had a long day." I check the time to see that it is actually 5:09 I mean who the hell wakes up at 5 in the morning! But I don't mind right now since she is sad.

Once I put her in bed I go downstairs into the lounge and sit there. My thoughts are taken up by images of food because I am extremely hungry. There is no food and the kitchen has been destroyed so I don't know what to do. Oh ya, I am also extremely bored.

All of a sudden a bang is heard from upstairs right above the lounge in Jayce's office and me being me decides to go check it out. I know, I'm an idiot but it's just the way I am. Hear a strange, creepy sound and I will go investigate.

I walk slowly and silently towards the entrance to the room while taking a detour towards the front door and picking up a weapon. The walking stick. I know, it's not very good but at least I have a weapon. I walk upstairs towards the office, place my hand on the door and add a little pressure to it causing it to open a smidge. There inside is a strange man looking around on Jayce's desk suspiciously.

'Who the hell is he?" I think. But before I know it I push the door a little more and it opens wider. Too much wider so I quickly duck behind the wall knowing the strange man probably noticed the door being opened.

'Oh my god I am going to die!' 'Shut up a week ago you wanted this' 'yes but now I finally have something to live for.' 'For what? Jayce? Do you really think he would stick with you I mean look at him. He's a fucking sex god, why would he want you?'

I fight with myself in my head, aggravating myself. I mean it's true, why would he want me? I am a broken, scarred, UgLy, BORING PERSON! I hear a sound coming from the door and I turn into the door and hit the stranger as hard as I can with all my strength and anger knocking him out while screaming profanities at him and at Jayce for leading me on.

I look down at the man after my anger lowers and notices he has a mask on. I don't really want to take it off so instead I just place him on a chair, with much difficulty might I add, and tie him to it so he can't escape. I wonder what he was looking for. Meh, oh well I'm just gonna sit here, wait for Jayce and hope he doesn't wake up.

Hey guys sorry for not updating but here it is. Don't forget to comment, vote and follow me. Thank you my lovelies xxx


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