Chapter 30

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Tomorrow we will all be leaving this amazing island/hotel and going back to work. Jayce has notified us that the gang back at home has been doing fine since we left and so far nothing has gone wrong so that's good but ever since Jayce and I had that little encounter in my room, both of our moods has seemed to decrease.

With both Hannah and Alice in very loving relationships with Andrew and Blade, Jayce and I have been snapping at their flirting and have been constantly told off for it.

Today everyone has decided to have a chilled relaxing day playing a few video games, tanning or riding the jet skis and at the moment I sit alone on the porch watching the waves flow gently on to the small beach we have while the two couples and Jayce are God knows where.

Recently my feelings for Jayce have been up and down. One day I think he is so dreamy and beautiful and the next I think he is evil and disgusting but mostly the latter. Every time our eyes connect we either quickly look away or stare until someone points it out.

I think Hannah and Alice have caught on because yesterday while I was making breakfast with them, Jayce walked in the kitchen and tried to say something to me but it just came out as noise before flushing bright red and leaving the room. This just ended in a lot of squeals from the girls and a equally red Stacey.

"I think we should have a celebration tonight. Just us girls." "Here, here!" Hannah and I agreed as Alice made a small speech. We were all lying on the sand enjoying the sun drinking our different cocktails and enjoying our last day in paradise. "We should send the boys to their rooms and just get smashed."Hannah says and we all laugh while beginning to plan our night.

It's about 2:00pm and we are lounging around when all of a sudden gun shots, boats and jet skis are heard from the distance and we all scream loudly before jumping up from the sand and making a B-line for the front door.

I can hear Jayce shouting orders at Andrew and Blade while we sprint towards the door however the next round of gunshots are heard with a ear piercing scream following. My heart stops and I skid to a halt in my tracks. I know that scream. Before even realizing what I am doing I run a few steps down and pick up Alice who is sobbing and grabbing her ankle. Blood is pouring out and I scream for someone's help.

Jayce walks out with a machine gun and Blade helps Alice and I. We get to the door quickly before gunshots and shouting is heard once again. I see Hannah loading a sniper gun while Andrew is grabbing the first aid kit.

I run towards the stash for our guns and quickly grab my gang gun and a rifle. I store the pistol in between my bikini top and started heading outside to help Jayce.

He is hidden behind a pushed down table shooting at the few attackers. There are about 5 jet skis and two fishing boats each with people. Altogether there are about 11 people.

"Jayce!" I shout from the door while casually shooting when needed basically asking for directions. "Stacey go guard the backdoor and take Blade with you!" He shouts without losing focus and I quickly follow orders and do as he told me. I see Andrew guiding Stacey to the elevator obviously trying to get her to safety before shit goes down.

Unfortunately before I get to the back door it is smashed open and about three other masked people, who I did not count walk, in armed and Blade and I dash behind the nearest counter and load our guns. I ready my weapon and start my shooting.

A rifle has a short range however spreads widely and hits more objects and for this I am grateful because my first shot I injured about two of the intruders. Blade quickly and quite impressively, takes down two men while I take down the last one before we crouch and run towards the broken door.

Outside we see two empty jetskis, another two with men climbing off and one boat with three more men. Readily I raise my weapon but the distance is too far for the rifle so as soon as they are closer I start attacking with my pistol.

The sounds of war fill my ears as windows are broken and guns are shot. After a while of fighting, Jayce, Andrew and Hannah dash in and start firing at the remaining two men behind the trees and such and finally after what felt like an hour the last masked intruder falls dead. Although they were pretty easy to eliminate I am out of breath from lack of practice.

"What the hell was that?!" Hannah shouts looking just as tired as I. Andrew exits the room probably going to check on Alice, Blade falls onto the couch with a few bullet holes in it and I just stand there awkwardly. "Blade, check the rooms for any leftovers, Stacey you take outside and I will find out about these people. Oh and here," he takes off his shirt and throws it at me while I pathetically try catch it nearly dropping my guns,"put a shirt on its distracting." And he walks away to a dead body.

On the inside I'm beaming however on the outside I'm scowling at his bluntness while fumbling and putting the rifle on the table while I change into his shirt and head outside with my pistol.

After a thorough check of the small island and a collection of small items from the boat I walk inside to everyone sitting in the averagely ruined lounge. "Okay everybody," Jayce starts as I sit down and he stands up," I have searched most of the men to find that they are the Russian Kings. A pretty useless group, no wonder they were easy, however we have yet to find out why they attacked us. I have phoned home and told them to keep an eye out and as for us, we will be leaving as soon as everyone is packed so hurry up and pack." And with that everyone scatters, including me still wearing Jayce's shirt completely aware of the knowing looks Hannah is giving me.

Ooh interesting... Some action has filled the stage. I hope you guys enjoyed, please vote and comment and guys, I absolutely love answering all your questions however I will only answer those if they are messaged either on my board or privately, sorry xx. Have a great week guys xxx

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