Chapter 34

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As soon as my first heel met the floor I could already feel myself shaking. Jayce had to practically pull me out of the car before we started walking down the pathway arm in arm.

I was surprised, to say the least, because I was expecting people to be hanging over railings and cameras taking billions of photos but instead it was just an ordinary walk from the turning circle of the house into the front door. There were photographers taking some photos as we walked however I immediately found myself relaxing.

"It's not what you expected is it?" Jayce asked from next to my still looking ahead as we walked up to the front door. "No I sort of expected paparazzi." I said shyly blushing as we walked up the final steps and came across an older couple and a man who looked around Jayce's age.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Black. Hello Damon. This is my date tonight her name is Stacey Robertson." Jayce introduced me formally and I stuck my hand out to shake however Xavier kissed the back of it, Ruby shook the very ends of my fingers and like father like son, Damon kissed the back of it also however his lips lingered a little longer and as a result Jayce shifted his arm out from mine and placed it around my waist pulling me closer possessively.

"How nice to meet you and how lovely to see you again Jayce. I must say this young lady looks stunning on your arm. I think she's a keeper." Mrs Black said giving him a wink and causing me to blush for like the fiftieth time tonight. "Thank you Ruby and I have to agree."

My heart stopped for a second. Was he just being nice or did he genuinely think I was a 'keeper?' We started walking inside the house following the red carpet that was swerving through hallways.

"What happens with the photos? Surely it's dangerous to have photos because if the police gets hold of the-" my mind is buzzing with questions as we slowly walk to our destination but Jayce cuts me off.

"Don't worry Stace, the photos will be printed and given to us. Evidence will be burned and no one will know a thing." He says obviously quite amused. I open my mouth to ask about security however he cuts me off again knowing what I'm about to ask.

"Don't worry about weapons either. You see these arcs," he points at an arc placed in the hallway we were about to walk through which had two guards next to it. "They are metal detectors so they will be able to detect if any weapons are brought in."

We stop at a closed door that has one guard on each side of the double doors both holding a handle while a third guard waves a 'magic wand' up and down our body's to see if we are holding any weapons again before they open the door and we walk in.

As soon as we walk inside someone starts speaking. "Last but not least we have Risen Demons with Jayce Parker as the leader with his absolutely gorgeous date, Stacey Robertson." We start walking down the stairway into the beautifully decorated hall but all I can see are eyes staring at me and Jayce. None of which I recognize. This causes me to dig my body further into Jayce to which he lets off a low chuckle as we reach the bottom.

I turn around once we down to see Andrew, Hannah, Blade and Alice each with their own announcement, walking down the stairs as confident as ever. "You want a drink?" Jayce asks from next to me holding up a champagne glass. For a second I am totally confused as to how he got it so fast but I ignore the thought and accept the drink.

Once the gang have all reached the bottom Damon is announced and he walks down the staircase without a date however you can see in his eyes that he doesn't plan on leaving alone. Finally both Xavier and Ruby are introduced but instead of walking down Mr Black grabs a microphone and they stand at the top ready to give a speech.

"Good evening everyone and thank you for coming to celebrate this special day with us. Myself and Ruby are absolutely delighted to see all your old faces and some new ones too." as if on cue I could feel all the eyes turn to stare at me and Jayce wraps his arm around me as if protecting me from their stares. They probably don't get many newcomers. "We hope that everyone enjoys tonight. Let's all put the past, present and future behind us for just one night and have a good time." Mrs Black ends the speech and everyone starts to scatter.

Jayce immediately takes my hand and leads me and the others towards a unoccupied table. On the table is a small card saying "Risen Demons." Well I wonder who this is for. Everyone takes a seat at the beautifully decorated table however moments later Hannah and Andrew are talking and being 'cute' and Alice and Blade have gone to get some drinks. This leads to Jayce and I sitting awkwardly.

Throughout the night we all talked and drank and ate and drank and danced and well, drank. Slowly but surely the night was coming to an end. Most of the time I spent with Jayce but before anything happened I would speed off to the others. Most people were drunk at this point, including myself and Jayce.

"Do you want to dance?" Jayce asks me with a tint of pink covering his cheeks. Now of course I would want to say no because I don't want to embarrass myself in front of all the people here, including Jayce. But his eyes tore straight through my soul and I ended up nodding just incase my voice didn't work.

We walked towards the dance floor ready to dance but as soon as we arrived, the upbeat song that was originally playing decides, at that exact moment, that it wants to change to a very romantic slow dancing song.

'Of course now of all times it has to change!' I thought. "Please join the very happy couple of 25 years on the dance floor as we celebrate this fantastic evening." A cheery voice says from above.

Jayce and I both stop in our tracks thinking about whether or not this is a good idea but before I say anything he takes my hand and pulls me towards him and we start to dance. I was so frozen from the fact that we are so close and now I'm in disbelief at the fact that we are actually slow dancing together and believe it or not but I'm actually enjoying it. Don't tell anyone though.

His hands are placed delicately in the small of my back while my hands are wrapped gently around his neck. I rested my head against his muscled chest. In my point of view we looked as graceful as the purest white swans swimming on the deep blue lake but to others we looked like flamingos trying to balance on one leg as the wind blew us over.

Because we were not very stable due to the fact that there were free booze and someone else is driving us home, we kept stumbling and giggling wildly. At one point however I remember Jayce leaning down and kissing my neck every so softly and my hands combing through Jayce's hair as I gave out a barely audible moan but after that... Everything went black.

Is everyone excited for the next chapter because I am and I know exactly what is going to happen... For obvious reasons but still :D. I hope you guys loved it. Don't forget to like, comment and follow me xxx


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