Chapter 15

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Top - bench in garden, bottom - arc into secret garden

"Ok, ok, ok... Why don't I put a scarf on?" I asked Jayce hopefully but all I got was a 'are you serious look'. "Stace, do you not realize how stupid and suspicious it will look?" Damn he's right. "What about plasters over them?" I tried again. "Why would you have plasters all of a sudden on your neck?"

"Maybe you hurt me when you went hulk!"

"I would never hurt you!" Awwwww he's so sweet. Shut up Stacey focus!

"Why don't I distract him and you run upstairs and put make up on or something."he tried however..."That's a good plan besides the fact that your sister is probably going to be in my room ready to bombard me with questions!"

"Stacey! Jayce! I'm coming in!" Andrew shouted. We both looked at each other panicked. However no one opened the lounge door. "Alice the kitchen is trashed! Their not in here!" Ohh, he went into the kitchen but he's probably going to come in here next!

"Run." Jayce and I whispered simultaneously before we started silently sprinting outside. Since most of the guards had gone into hiding it was easy for both of us to sneak off. We swerved through trees and bushes and jumped over mini rivers, trying to push each other over but eventually we came to a stop still laughing at our stupidity.

After a few minutes of regaining our breath we finally acknowledged our surroundings. We were standing in front of a arc with roses growing on it. "Where are we?" I asked no one in particular but since Jayce is the only one here with me I guess he's going to answer.

"We are in my garden standing in front of what I call the secret rose garden." He answered my question. My mouth formed an 'o' shape as I started walking in through the arc. Roses were everywhere ranging in colors from white to dark reds, it was beautiful. Jayce stayed silent while I was admiring the maze of roses.

"Here let me show you something." He states before grabbing my hand gently and pulling me through the maze. Finally we stop in front of a hedge but inside the hedge there is a bench almost hidden in the roses, hedge and other plants. The bench had obviously been there for a while since it had lost its new wood shine but nevertheless it still was pretty.

I found myself walking towards it and sitting down patting the space beside me for Jayce to sit on. So he did. "Why did you take me here?" I asked turning to face him while sitting cross legged trying not to flash because I was still in my dress.

"Well I used to come here when I was little and things at home had gotten too tense. Back then there used to be no bench but one day I got tired of constantly carrying a chair or sitting on the floor so I decided to build a bench. When I was a child, as you can see, we were rich and still am but I used to get everything done for me so if I asked for a bench my father would just buy one for me without even a care in the world but I didn't like being spoilt so I decided creating my own bench with my own two hands would be like a step into independency. Many people would just see it as a bench however I see it as the beginning of a new era."

Wow ok so to break it down Jayce was a spoilt kid who didn't like having everything done for him so he tried being independent and made his own bench without the help of his parents and from then on he strived to be independent and the bench is like a reminder of how it started.

Wow. "Where are your parents?" I asked cautiously. And almost instantly he replied,"Dead." His voice was sad but almost angry in a way.

"What happened to them?" I'm not the kind of person to say stuff like 'oh my god I'm so sorry' because frankly it wasn't my fault and I'm not sorry, I just feel bad. So wouldn't it be better to just say 'I feel so bad for you' but that does sound rude so I'd rather not. Anyway... He looked me in the eyes before responding.

"They went on a business meeting one day to China however their rival business shot down their private jet and they died." I have no words. I mean what do you say to that. So instead of saying anything, I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a hug. He didn't respond at first but after a while when he knew what was happening he hugged me back.

We stayed like this for a while but sadly it was getting dark and cold. I was only in a dress so I was shivering and Jayce was in his ripped clothes so he was also cold. We both walked close too each other trying to get each other's body warmth until we finally arrived at the house.

"Hey, um, before we go inside, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for, you know, everything I have done to you. You are such an amazing person and you didn't deserve to be put through everything-" he was blabbering on but I cut him off by kissing him.

"No, thank you. If it weren't for you I would most likely be dead right now." And with that I walked inside.


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