Chapter 2

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Jayce Parker

When I finally finished crying I felt like shit. Probably looked like it too. Passing a nearby shop I glanced at my appearance and instantly looked down. My eyes were swollen and red, tear stained cheeks and running mascara. My hair needed to be re-tied as it was messy and wet from the rain. My hair is brown and naturally straight but curls in the front if it is humid.

It is probably around 07:30 pm right now and I'm getting really cold. The day was so nice but then it started to rain, ugh. The rain has stopped but the ground is still wet. As I walk through the city unsure of what to do.

'I'm basically a hobo. No home, no money, no family, no clothes. What am I going to do?' I thought to myself.

Peoples lights are starting to turn off. I feel like I've been walking for two hours but because I don't have a watch and never was allowed a phone, I don't know. The streets are really scary and I feel as if I'm going into the dodgy side of town.

'I better just turn around now. I'm getting a bad feeling about this place.'

Just as I turned around to head back I heard a gunshot and somebody groan. The groan came from behind me where I was just leaving. 'Don't follow the noise, DON'T FOLLOW THE NOISE,' aaanndd I'm following the noise.

The groaning came from inside an alleyway just 10 steps away from where I turned around. I peeked around the corner not wanting to attract attention to myself even if there was someone there. I can't see anything so I peeked just a little bit more aaannnddd BANG! Another gunshot and that's where everything went black.

"Eeeh!" I screamed due to the ice cold water being thrown in my face.

"Jesus woman you don't have to scream! It's just some very, very cold water." I can feel the person smirking however I couldn't see him due to a bright light shining in my face blinding me from seeing anything else. I tried moving away from it but a incredible pain shot through my shoulder. I also realized that I was tied to a very uncomfortable chair.

"Ah yes, we wouldn't want to move now would we? Someone was being a naughty girl and decided to snoop into other peoples business. Now look where that got ya kitten." Ugh! I can just hear him smirking. Idiot...

The light was turned off and I could finally see after some time for my eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room. In the corner stood a table with a couple tools on it. Oh no. That is NOT what I think it is. Why did I have to be curious and look at the noise? I'm so stupid and now they are going to torture me. Not again.

"Now don't look so scared kitten, it's just some torture devices, nothing new. But where would you like to start huh?" Oh I forgot about him. He was leaning on the wall but now he has walked forward and crouched down in front of me. He's quite good looking actually but blondes aren't really my type.

"Who are you? What do you want?" My questions are so stereotypical but oh well.

"Well my name is Andrew and I am here to get information out of you for the boss. That's all the info your getting kitten now, who are you? What do you want?" He emphasized on the ''you's" as if mocking my question before.

"My name is not for your knowledge and I am here against my will. That's all the information your getting Andrew!" I know I'm stupid but I don't care anymore. My life is already useless.

"Ah feisty. I don't mind." He raised an eyebrow at me before getting up and heading towards the table. He picked up a pair of pliers and looked at me.

"Nah too boring." He then proceeded to pick up a gun.

"Meh, you've already been shot." And then he picked up a pocket knife.

"This will do the trick." He came towards me and stood behind me so I couldn't see him. "You see kitten, you may be here against your will but I will be getting more than just your name one way or another." He placed the knife just above my right breast. I could feel the cold metal against my skin but I didn't move.

"Why were you snooping?" A couple seconds pass before he realizes I won't answer his question. "Ok then, let's do this the hard yet fun way shall we." He slides the knife up to the top of my right shoulder making me wince in pain.

"Ow, ya, that's gotta hurt." Mmm the sarcasm is real with this one. "As much as I enjoy looking from this angle, I would prefer it if you could see the blood oozing from your body. So let's get these pants off."

"Fuck you!" I start moving and jiggling so he can't remove any clothing off my body the pain in my shoulder is unbearable but I can't let him see its bothering my but the next thing I know my cheek is stinging with pain and the ropes become tighter.

"No wriggling now. I promise I won't rape you." I can sense the amusement in his voice and I just hope and prey he's being honest. As he takes my pants off, with great difficulty because of the ropes being tight, he stops and stares at my legs mouth ajar. Not in lust or disgust just in awe. My legs are scarred and bruised from past beatings and punishments my family gave me.

"What the fuck..." He whispers. I wouldn't normally have heard it but because the room was so quiet you could've heard a pin drop. "What?- who?- how?- when?- wha."

"Ya I get that reaction all the time that's why I prefer to keep my pants ON thank you very much." I make sure he notices the tone of annoyance and shame in my voice to make him feel at least a little bad.

He looks up into my eyes one last time. I can see sympathy and sadness in his eyes but I look down quickly so he doesn't see my eyes watering. He then puts the knife back on the table before exiting the room and slamming the door.

So here I am just chilling in the middle of a dark room, tied to a uncomfortable chair with no pants on and staring at the different torture devices on the table with silent tears running down my face. Ya. What a life.

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