Chapter 35

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The ring

Oh my god I have such a fUckinG Hangover. My eyes are so blurry I can barely see so instead I close them tightly for a couple minutes before deciding that the good old aspirin would fix this. My body is extremely hot but instead of throwing off the heavy covers I just slide out of the bed until I'm lying on the floor. My eyes are still basically closed so all I can see is the outline of the door to which I get up and head towards.

Turning right, as I usually do to get to the kitchen, I follow the passage and turn left into another passage, then through a door, past a balcony, down the stairs, down another passage and turn right into the kitchen. However I get lost somehow because the steps aren't where they usually are. In fact I am in a completely different section of the house.

I have such a bad hangover that I can't even seem to figure out where the kitchen is. About fifteen minutes later, actually about five, I finally find myself in familiar waters and make my way the the savior.

On arrival, I see Andrew and Alice already slumped over the kitchen table in oversized sweaters with two glasses of water in each hand and a bottle of aspirin spilt over the surface in an obvious attempt to get it out.

Instead of saying good morning and smiling as if I'm happy, I head straight towards the cupboard, grab a glass fill it with water and swallow down the drugs then proceeding to slump over the table exactly like the others and cover my face with my hair and hands underneath my head.

"Everyone have a good morning?" A surprisingly chirpy voice sounding like Hannah asks mockingly. A harmonized grumble comes from the three of us, no one caring to look up. Except for Alice who mumbles a quick,"I wish you got hangovers so you could experience our pain."

Hannah laughs loudly causing me to groan. "Hannah I love you but make another sound and I think I'll kill you" Andrew's voice is muffled from his hoodie. I decide that maybe I should go lie back down in bed so that the aspirin can kick in and I'll be a bit better so I groggily force myself up from my chair and head back to bed.

Halfway to my room I let out a big yawn and rub my eyes. I feel like I'm about to throw up. "Hey Stace, are you feeling like absolute shit as well?" Jayce's voice said quietly from next to me causing me to jump and milliseconds after scowl and grab my head from the throbbing.

"Ya I do and thanks for that by the way, now my head feels like it's going to explode." I say irritably. He lets out a low chuckle however stops abruptly making me look up at him noise eyes are fixated on my head where my hand is. "Is there something on my head?" I ask rubbing my forehead with my left hand that was already trying to prevent my pain from getting worse.

Instead he just whispers one word. "Shit." My confusion grows immensely as I slowly start to retract my hand from my head however Jayce quickly grabs it and pulls it toward him placing his hand over mine.

"I was just thinking how beautiful you look in the morning." He says obviously lying. "That's obviously not true now if you'll excuse me," I pull my hand from his grip and he almost looks scared, "I will be going back to bed now."

As I turn to head to my room I give my forehead one last rub and check if anything came off but just like Jayce I freeze. Sitting on my hand, as if it was meant to be there, on my ring finger, glittering like the southern star is a massive fucking engagement ring with a huge fucking black jewel with fucking diamonds placed gently in the fucking engravings and small fucking red rubies making the center of the fucking beautiful flowers.

In a brief summary, it was fucking gorgeous.

I started to turn around to look at Jayce too shocked to say anything. I mean it's not like I knew where it came from or what happened or even the events of last night.

Jayce stared at me with so many emotions swirling in his eyes. "Where did this come from?" I ask slowly as if talking to a child. His response was to open his mouth but proceed to shrug as if he couldn't speak.

"Jayce? Was this from you?" I ask but I'm afraid I know the answer. Who else could it be from. He let out a large sigh before he started speaking with me still staring intently at the ring.

"Uh well, this isn't how I imagined this going but, yes it's from me.."  He answered still a little shell shocked but then he regained his posture and continued after seeing I wasn't able to speak.

"Well exactly a week ago I came to the realization that for the last seven months of my life I have been through more emotions than all the years I have lived put together. The day I met you I knew that I was in deep shit because whether I liked it or not, I was going to fall deeply in love with you. But I got scared for the first time in my life and I thought I was going to fuck up so I did what I thought was right and I pushed you away. I thought it was the right thing to do but it turned out to be my downfall. I have never been so upset in my life and about a week or two ago I saw some hope. I started feeling happy again knowing that you were happy. Seeing you fight off the other gang and play revenge on my made me realize that you were the one I was going to marry so straight after we arrived myself and the boys called up four of the most famous ring makers in the world and made them make a customized ring for you." He stops for a breather and I am completely mesmerized by the emotion his eyes and body hold as he takes my left hand and points to the ring.

"The waves on the outside represent our ups and downs but the diamonds between them let you know we will always find a way. The flowers on the outer side represent you and your kindness and beauty spreading throughout the world. The red Ruby on the insides of the flowers represent my love for you and of course, because I'm selfish and I want you to think of me constantly, the black diamond in the middle represents me because I am the thorn bush and you are my rose. I am the darkness and you are my light. I am the devil looking at an angel for his queen. I taint your pureness-" I cut him off.

"And I let you taint me." And with that I smash my lips against his.

Whatcha thing guys? I was way too excited to write this chapter because I wanted to tell you guys ASAP. Hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to like, comment and follow me xxx


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