Chapter 14

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The kitchen

"Eeeeh!" I squealed as a plate gets thrown onto the ground and little pieces of it comes flying towards me. Jayce is in the corner of the kitchen covered in cuts, bruises and blood from all the damage he has done. It kills me to see him like this so I need to stop him.

"Jayce!" I shout trying to get his attention, it doesn't work so I try again. "JAYCE!!" I shout even louder than before. This seems to get his attention as he slowly starts turning around to face my direction.

As soon as he is fully facing me, I look into his eyes. They are as black as the sky on a winters night, his cheeks are stained with tear marks and his hair is all over the place. It may not be the right time to say this because many might fear him when he is angry and looking scary but personally, I think he looks hot. This may be the reason for my next move.

I take two small steps closer to him and watch his reaction. "Jayce, I know you are angry because of the previous events but you need to calm down or your going to hurt yourself and others please." I beg but his face is expressionless as he stares at me before he starts throwing things around and punching the cupboard and walls. Ugh how am I meant to talk to him when he is so destructive.

Different pieces of wood and food fly in all different directions. Some hitting me but most of it hitting him. I need to come up with a different approach.

"Jayce, please answer me. I can help you with whatever your dealing with..." Yet again he stops and turns to me, his face is blank. I sigh thinking of different things to make him feel better. But none come to mind as he starts trashing the place again. It made me wonder though, how did his friend get killed? Jayce isn't coming anywhere near me? He probably tried holding him down so that is not the approach I am going to take.

I don't know what to do. He just keeps hitting and breaking things. I am in the corner of the room, trying not to get hit by debris, watching him. Turning my head towards the side as a piece of supposed bread comes flying me way, I stare at one of the un-broken plates on the counter and before I know it, I've throw it on the floor. 'I've always wanted to do that.' I though smiling. The room goes quiet and I turn to look at Jayce curious as to why he stopped.

He's looking at me with surprise which then turned into a smirk with a raised eyebrow. "What? You can't get all the fun breaking things?" I ask him with my own smirk, and with that we both start grabbing different breakable objects and throwing them around the room, carefully not trying to hit each other.

After about 5-10 minutes of breaking objects, I turn around to grab something else to throw but I find nothing. I lift my head and look around the room to see that everything has been destroyed and Jayce is also looking for something to break however both of us find nothing.

Then I started laughing so hard it hurts, then another deep and sexy voice starts laughing along with me and I turned to see Jayce bent over laughing. This caused me to laugh even harder. People would probably think we looked demented but I didn't care. It's the first time since I met him that I have heard Jayce actually laugh loudly. Not chuckle or let out a nose exhale kind of laugh, an actual out loud laugh.

I take small steps toward him still laughing and place my hand on his arm to keep me from falling over in laughter. I felt him tense under my touch so I quickly removed my hand and examined his cuts and bruises. Our laughter finally dying down.

I look up towards his face and stare into his eyes. They are now back to their amazing dark blue eyes instead of black and I don't know what made me do it but I placed my hand delicately on his cheek. 'Omg what am I doing?' I thought and quickly made up an excuse in my head.

"Your cheek is cut." I exclaimed (nice save) as I saw a large cut on his left cheek. "So is my hands, feet, legs, arms... Basically my whole body so don't worry." He says softly as if scared I would run away. I look deep into his eyes before pulling him into the dining room and sitting him on a chair.

When I see his cheeky face I instantly know what's coming. "Woah Stacey, if you wanted me so badly you could've just-" "Don't finish that sentence." I cut him off before walking over to grab a medical box. For some reason they gave them scattered all over the house. But that's a different topic, right now I need to fix Jayce.

As I lean over to look at his cheek I feel as though he can see down my top so I try find a different place to stand because I don't want him to get the wrong idea, so I walk around the chair and sit on its arm and try fix his cut however it was extremely uncomfortable so yet again I stand up and walk around but the next thing you know, I'm pulled down onto Jayce's lap. "Better sweetheart?" He asks making my heart melt at his nickname and my face lit up like a stoplight as I nod and start to clean the cut.

I rub a disinfectant wipe on the cut but surprisingly he doesn't flinch. He just watches me as I rub some cream on it and then move on to fixing and cleaning his arm. My face goes bright red as I feel his eyes on my while I work. I keep taking quick glances up at him to see if he's still watching me but he always is.

"Do you have a proble-" I start but I am unable to finish as a pair of soft lips crash onto my warm ones making me freeze for about a second before kissing him back. I don't know why I am kissing my kidnapper but it just feels so right. So much for not wanting him to get the wrong idea. He licks my lip asking for entrance and I of course let him in. Instantly our tongues go to war, fighting for dominance but from the start I knew I couldn't win so I stop fighting. I feel him smirk on my lips as if gloating his victory.

I'm running out of air as we kiss and I assume he is too so he starts trailing butterfly kisses down my neck until he reaches my sweet spot causing me to let out a quiet moan as he bites and sucks on it probably creating a hicky - oh shit! A hicky! I quickly push him away from me stopping him from making any further ones and run towards the nearest mirror to inspect the damage.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" He asks from the chair clearly confused. It makes me awww at his concern but right now I need to inspect the hicky. Or rather hickies! "No. You did nothing wrong don't worry it's just that certain people are going to wonder where the hell I got 4 hickies on my neck!" His eyes widen in realization,"Oh shit!"

"Stacey! Are you okay? Jayce?" We hear Andrew calling us from upstairs. Jayce and I both turn to each other panicked wondering what we going to do to disguise our swollen lips, messy hair and a trail of hickies down my neck. "Oh shit!" We both whisper in sinc.

A/N : hey guys don't forget to vote share etc. love y'all xx


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