Chapter 21

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Top - The door to the 'Shed', Bottom - The Gym

A few days after everyone found out about Jayce and I, Jayce decided that it was time to start my so called 'training' for my beginning of joining the gang. I have recently found out that their gang name is 'Risen Demons' and that since I have agreed to join I have to undergo a series of self defense and fighting practice in order to protect myself and others in case no one is there to help me.

So here Jayce and I am walking outside towards what looks like a small broken down shed which is confusing me even more since he told me we were going to the gym.

"Jayce? Where are we going exactly?" I asked him for about the third time today as we stopped outside the small green door of the run down shed. "Stacey, I'm telling you for the a millionth time that we are going to the gym." He says almost irritated,"just wait and see."

I let out a huff of annoyance but continue to follow him into the shed nevertheless. A couple seconds after entering the door we arrive to a dead end. It's as if Jayce is waiting for one of my comments but I hold back and wait for him to miraculously make a gym to appear.

He taps one of the bricks in the wall only to have a keypad shoot out from the side wall giving me a small fright to which doesn't go unnoticed by the devil himself. "A little scared babe?" He says with a smirk. "Shut it." I grumble back. I mean it's not like being in a cramped up dark shed with a gang leader who basically kills for a living is calming.

After Jayce types in the numbers '4283', yes I looked at the password, the wall jerks open this time giving me an even bigger fright. And that my friends is exactly how Jayce miraculously made a gym appear.

Being the magic like Harry Potter brick wall was a humongous gym packed with treadmills, Dumbbells most likely a spa etc. and all of my friends plus a few guards were all working out and fighting each other which was most likely the 'training' I have to do.

"You like?" Jayce asks. "Are you kidding me? This place is awesome! But why isn't it connected to the house? It would be easier if it was and quicker to get to."

"Well we would connect it but people would become suspicious if they found a huge gym in a house and the training here can get loud so we found it easier just to build it under ground. Plus it gives the mansion a kind of James Bond feel to it don't you think?" He explains. "Is there anything else I should know about the James Bond house?" I laugh.

"All in good time young one however in this time I will ask you to step up onto this platform so we can start teaching you how to defend yourself against other attackers." Oh well, here we go....

About an hour and thirty minutes later I am sitting in a pool of sweat on a bench panting like a dog in heat and complaining non-stop about my aching muscles. Alice saw me and Jayce training earlier and she shouted at him for over-working me (thank you Alice) so he gave me a break and he went to go do some gang stuff but I was too concentrated on not falling on my face to care about where he was going.

"So how is yours and Jayce's relationship going?" Alice asked me while we sat. "It's going really well I guess. He hasn't rushed me into anything and he's a really great guy." I say smiling while thinking about Jayce now beginning to wonder what he is doing.

"Have you guys done it yet?" She asks cheekily nearly causing me to nearly spit out the water I just drank from my bottle. "What! No Alice we haven't!" I say laughing and being petrified at the same time.

"It's just a Question I mean it's not like you haven't done it before right?" She says laughing and taking a sip of her water. Thinking back on my life I grew sad. "I was never allowed to have friends so imagine me trying to get a boyfriend. I couldn't even go to parties but I have done it before however not with my consent..." I drone off.

Alice stays quiet thinking over my words until she visibly stiffens at my words. "Oh Stace did your father-" I cut her off with a short nod."I'm so sorry Stace I didn't know." I looked up at her, "It's fine Al, it's in the past now. I guess we should be getting back to work though. Jayce won't mind if you teach me the basic rules of fighting right?" I ask.

"Of course not." Alice laughed and we continued on to the fighting platform to start my training again. Alice was a little easier to fight than Jayce obviously but she still had a lot more of experience and I only managed to take her down once. Afterwards I was covered in bruises and cuts and showered by the constant apologies of Alice for hurting me however I didn't mind because I was used to it and because it was part of the whole experience.

Alice told me that when I finish self defense and fighting we will move on to gun training and then hopefully onto helping the Risen Demons in their expeditions. Is it bad to say that I'm kinda excited for gun training and field operations... Meh oh well.

Sorry for not updating guys I was on a school trip. This is sorta a short chapter sorry. Don't forget to vote and comment also it would be awesome to hear from you amazing people in my conversation board thing. I don't bite :p see you next time folks xx


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