Chapter 6

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Lying face down on the floor is the big bad wolf himself, Jayce and boy did he look angry.

"What the fuck just happened!" He demanded while getting up from the ground and brushing leaves off himself. "I ask one thing from you! To keep her in her fucking room but nooo she escapes and has the whole fucking house looking for her including me! And when I do find her, she's having a fucking tea party with my second in command and to add onto that someone, or most likely her, makes a trap causing me to fall flat on my bloody arse!"

Andrew has turned mute however I'm battling to keep my laughs in. A small giggle escapes my mouth resulting in him glaring deep into my soul causing me too to become mute. That glare could kill someone trust me.

Jayce sees my instant reaction to his glare and I can almost feel him trying not to show his satisfaction by smirking at me. 'What a dick.'

His face turns cold again and I see Andrew stiffen beside me. Uh oh what happened? Did I do something? What did I miss? Oh shit, did I say that insult out loud? I never do that so surely I didn't but you can never be too sure after all he is stalking towards me. Oh shit! He is STALKING towards me, what do I do?

"What did you just say bitch?" His voice is low like a whisper but coated in venom as he grabs my shirt pushing me into a tree.

"Ah!" Ow that hurt. I already have scars on my back, now I'm going to have a bruise. I look him dead in the eye, I'm over his bipolar crap. "I said, you're a dick." I said it as calmly as possible hoping that I did in fact say that out loud.

The anger in his eyes are boiling over like a devil trying to kill me mentally. I feel his whole body clench even more, if possible, as he takes his free hand and clasps my waist forcing me to stop wiggling and stare into his black pits.

"Jayce, don't do this. She doesn't know anything. Just let her off with a warning or somethi-" Andrew starts but is rudely cut off with a "Shut up Andrew!" His eyes not leaving mine.

"What is your name? And why didn't you leave?" I can see Andrew visibly relax. Jayce's jaw is clenched throughout the two questions and as much as I want to answer him I knew that if I did they would research me so I just stayed quiet. This however did not go so well with him. He literally threw me into Andrews arms and ran towards the house and at one point turn to punch a tree. Ow that's gotta hurt.

After a couple moments Andrew spoke first, "Jesus, that was close. I thought for a second he was going to kill you." I jumped slightly at him speaking.

"Does he have like anger issues or something. I mean just because I didn't tell him my name doesn't mean he has to punch a tree." I exclaimed looking up at Andrew expecting a answer. He didn't answer so I said it wasn't rhetorical causing him to sigh and loom down at me.

"If I let you go promise not to run?" "Promise." I answered feeling slightly questioning as to why he hasn't answered me but still skeptical about his actions. We both sat down on the bench I was previously sitting on before they came, he turned to me and begun to speak.

"He has been through a lot and although you don't see it right now he is actually a nice guy but previous actions took place causing him to act out on certain things. He becomes destructive killing or destroying anything in his path." I know it isn't Andrew who becomes destructive but is man did torture me for two months so I slid over slightly on the bench to get distance from him. He noticed my move but didn't show any sign of stopping me before continuing.

"No one can calm him down. When something pisses him off immensely he would crack and go into that mode. Before I thought he was going to crack, no one has ever had the balls to tell him he's a dick because they too scared of his angry side."

"Wait, no one can calm him down. Not even his parents or sibling or girlfriends or you?" I'm so confused right now. How does that happen to people.

"No one. Why would I even be in his list of supposed 'calmer downers' for all I know he would kill me first." He looks scared in a way. I'm curious but I don't want to push Andrew over the edge.

"Well aren't you his, I don't know, best friend? Best friends are meant to be there for each other-" I begun. "Woah I am not his best friend. And that's the thing, he doesn't have a girlfriend to calm him down and his best friend- his best friend died, last year, trying to calm him down so how could I if his best friend couldn't..." His sudden interruption causes me to jump slightly thinking he would hit me but instead he apologized for his sudden outburst.

"And his parents?..." I asked, my shoulders tensed n

"You gonna have to ask him, or don't, that's probably a little risky." Damn I really want to know. I start biting my lip, a habit of mine from when I think hard. After a few moments of silence Andrew suggests we go back to the house so reluctantly I agree.

When entering I see a couple people emerge from the garden probably my search party coming back after being notified my finding. I feel bad for making these people come outside and look for me but it was worth it, I finally got to see the sunshine after a very long time.

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