Chapter 27

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From left to right: Stacey's costume, Alice's costume, Hannah's costume

So it's the second day on our private island. Yesterday everyone unpacked everything and were way too tired to do much else since it was already 9:00 pm we all decided to do all the fun stuff the next day, today!

We all woke up to the smell of Alice cooking bacon which we all lovingly devoured before putting on our swimming costumes and getting outside into the beautiful sunny weather. The boys, with their beautifully sculpted bodies that God took his time on, found jet skies and a speedboat and other items in the one room of the house while us girls all just lay in the baking sun and tanned.

"Wow, I could get used to this." I say. "If people kept bringing me food I would totally live here." Hannah says. That's actually the first thing she has ever agreed with me on. Well maybe not the first but it's rare.

"Yo ladies! Wanna ride?" Andrew shouts from the speedboat to which Hannah practically jumps out of her chair and runs towards Andrew. Well there goes my thought about her liking Jayce. She clearly likes Andrew but I thought Alice liked Andrew. I'm so confused.

"Hey Alice? Do you like Andrew?" I turn and ask her. Her answer shocks me. "NO! God no ew, he's like a brother to me. That would be gross."

"But you guys are always talking and stuff."

"He always gives me advice with things and besides, I have my eye on someone else." She says looking out towards where Andrew and Hannah are pulling Blade around on the water skis while Jayce is driving on a jetski. "Unless you are lesbian or like incest, I'm guessing you are talking about Blade?" I say with a knowing smirk directed her way.

She was just about to answer when yet again Andrew calls and asks if we wanna join and that is how Alice and I ended up getting bullied into water skiing.

Alice went first smashing face first into the water before she could get up causing us all to laugh hysterically and her to scowl and demand a rematch with the waves to which she did in fact stand up and ride for a good minute before wobbling, falling and making us laugh again.

Then it was my turn and I used all sorts of excuses such as 'there might be sharks'  to which they answered with 'if there were, the water is so clear we would warn you' but every single time I gave an excuse, they always had an answer so finally after many attempts of breaking free, I obliged and got strapped in.

"I'm going to die." I grumble out as soon as I climb into the water with the skis. "No your not. You just have to believe." Blade said laughing at my face when I glared at him.

Now the first thing I thought of when the boat started to move was that I was going to end up like Alice, a face full of water however, I actually got up first try and managed to stay up. My mind was racing, my smile grew huge, my screams of excitement filled the air and the waves all jumped around me splashing me playfully until... BAM! I lost my balance and fell off. As I emerged from under water the sound of my friends laughs filled my ears as well as my own and before I know it I'm being pulled out the water like I way nothing only to come face to face to an amused Jayce Parker.

"Well done, you actually did pretty well." He said chuckling while I took my skis off. "Thank you." I smile,"are you my Prince Charming saving me from dangerous waters on your trusty steed." I say patting the jetski. "I am indeed my lovely princess." he says before driving us towards the speed boat to drop off the skis.

After that I stayed with him on the jetski where he taught me how to drive it and also showed me how fast it went to which I screamed and held on tightly to his torso.
Now because Hannah and Andrew were clearly trying to get with each other and I was matchmaking with Alice and Blade, that left me and Jayce alone most times. That is basically how the first four days went. Until eventually I couldn't handle it.

Alice and Blade were outside playing mini golf while Andrew and Hannah were in the kitchen making lunch and because neither of us wanted to third wheel, we were outside sitting on the dock throwing stones into the water. Silence surrounded us until...

"Why did you break up with me." I ask out of the blue causing him to freeze and tense up. "I don't want to talk about it, now isn't exactly the right time." He responded gruffly.

"Uh actually, now is the perfect time since all our friends are so engrossed with each other they won't be interrupting any time soon. Please, I just need an answer." I practically beg him.

"Please Stacey, anything else but that." He responds throwing a rock roughly into the water. At first I am distracted by his beautiful arms but then I revert to the conversation at hand. "Fine, what happened to your parents?" Yet again he stiffens however after a few seconds he relaxes and turns his head to face me, "I have to give an answer to one of them don't I?" A quick nod from me confirms his question.

"Okay well, my parents weren't exactly the best role models. You see my dad actually had a really successful business however he was so obsessed with the money that he completely forgot about his wife and kids. My mom was actually the gang leader." I jerk my head in surprise and raise my eyebrows. "Ya I know right, unexpected however she didn't care that my dad didn't pay attention to her since she was only in it for the money." Wow okay that's nice to say about your own mother.

"Yes it's messed up, anyway. They both were really terrible people and when they finally paid attention to their children they basically separated my sister and I. No they weren't getting a divorce, they really just wanted to train us to be exactly like them to pass on the businesses."

"My dad wanted my sister because she was smarter and more responsible than me and my mother wanted me since I had the characteristics of a typical gang leader. However little did they know that disaster was going to strike when I was eighteen and Alice was 16. My dads business started failing and he started blaming it on Alice since she was meant to be the heir of the business. Eventually he started abusing her however most days I would take the beatings for her." I gasp and place my hand on his hand. At first I was shocked at myself for this and was about to pull my hand away when he actually took hold of it and gave it a small squeeze.

"Then one day he was forced to sell it since he started drinking and causing trouble in the company. The total of the business was amazing and could probably support us and our future families for years and years but when there is an up, there's always a down. Since he started staying at home more often and I had to go with my mother to the gang, Alice's beatings got worse because my psychotic mother joined in which made me hate her even more. So I rounded up my best friends and created my own gang without my mother knowing. I wanted to build it up so I could defeat my mother and save Alice."

"My gang and I built a plan to which we would save Alice and run away however my father beat Alice so badly I had to take her to the hospital. I was so enraged that I got together my gang and started a war. My mother was pissed when she saw me but I didn't care. It got rough and eventually we killed them, all of them, even my parents. So my gang, Alice and I all moved to Los Angeles and we started a life there. The police were unable to find us since we were basically on lock down for the next year but now the rest is history."

By the end of the story I had lost feeling in my hand from squeezing so tightly and I felt the need to hug him so I did; and as if he was expecting it, he hugged me back and rested his chin on my head. "Well I guess we missed lunch." I laugh at his random sentence and pull back yet we don't let go of each other.

We both stare into each other's eyes for a while and if someone were to look at us right now, they would think we were going to kiss however we both pull away at the same time knowing it would be a bad idea.

"Fuck!" We hear from the house and immediately Jayce and I sprint to see what's going on.

Hey guys. Thank you for all the birthday wishes, it really means a lot to me <3. I actually enjoyed writing this one too since I revealed Jayce's backstory. Let me know if you liked it by voting, commenting and following me. Thank you xx


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