Chapter 36

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At weddings, there always involves the bride and groom kissing as if they are making a promise to never break apart however I don't think this is true.

I think the moment when you are being proposed to or when you are proposing is when you make a lifelong decision. If you say no your search for love begins again but if you say yes, it's as if you have sealed your fate. This is because in that moment your life with that person flashes I front of your eyes. All the good times and even the bad times because no couple is perfect. You are happy and you may even cry because you know that you will be ecstatic with this person. You look forward to the future with them and you may not know it yet but you are subconsciously already planning everything out. The moment that you look into each other's eyes when you say 'yes' forever burns into your memory and it's perfect. That is if you stay together of course.

After Jayce had proposed I was so excited. I put the ring on kissed Jayce and jumped up and down like a high school cheerleader. Then regretted jumping because I still had a hangover. We then continued to show the gang the ring and tell them that we were getting married to which the girls who also practically jumped off the walls while the guys tried to suppress doing the same thing. Instead they just smiled and congratulated us. The next few hours were filled with the girls and myself talking in the lounge while the boys were all talking in the kitchen.

"So Stacey. Do you know what this means?" Hannah asks with a knowing smirk but before I could answer Alice screams, "Dress shopping!" My stomach instantly drops.

I'm getting married. Never in my life had I ever thought that I would get married or, to be honest, that I would even make it this far. The man I'm marrying loves me and I love him back even though I tired to suppress my feelings, I clearly lost.

"Stacey can I talk to you for a second?" Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I turned to face him so fast I almost got whiplash with a huge smile on my face. I gave the girls a quick bye and followed Jayce outside we started walking into the garden following a path that lead to the secret garden Jayce had shown me a few months back.

"I just wanted to ask you uhm, if uh, if you were completely sure about this." He stutters and forces out making me turn towards him shocked with my mouth agape not believing he just asked that.

"Because of the past and how I treated you and I was such an asshole and I got scared that I would hurt you or that you would get hurt so to protect you I-I had to break it off but then I saw that you could take care of yourself. You are an absolutely amazing person and all the feelings I tried to get rid of to protect you all came rushing back." We had now reached the bench and had sat down. I couldn't speak because I was scared my voice wouldn't work and I would ruin this moment.

"Now I have never done this many emotional speeches in my entire life but I realize that everything is worth it for you. In the time that I left you I felt lost, empty and destroyed my bedroom about 10 times in those six months. It was torture and I felt my heart break in two whenever I saw you. Now I asked you that because I hurt you and I know you said yes but I don't know if you thought about everything I have done to you. I honestly love you so much and I wouldn't want you to get into something that you would want to leave because of second thoughts or the past-" my mouth and windpipe finally decides to start working when I see him become flustered as if he thinks I'm going to reject him.

"Stop right there. The past is in the past. I forgave you a long time ago for hurting me and I could never ever hold anything against you especially if you thought it was the right thing to do even though it wasn't." I give him a pointed look and we both give off a small laugh before I carry on. "Yes I agree that it is weird to have this many emotional speeches in a day but I just have to say that you have made my life better in every way possible even if it meant kidnapping me. I love it here and I love my new friends and most importantly, I love you." I smile up at him from where I am sitting making him smile back and lean down and kiss me. I respond instantly putting my hands around his neck and pulling him closer as he puts his arms around my waist.

Oh god how I missed this. His warm lips on mine and the way he makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world. Like the only one he's ever loved. Like I'm the only one that owns his heeeaarrrttttt.

He gently lifts me onto his lap as if I weigh nothing and my hands snake into his soft hair. I give off a soft moan loving the way he rubs his hands down my back but before anything got too serious a hushed voice broke out from behind us making me practically jump off Jayce's lap.

"See I told you they were banging in the garden. You owe me five bucks." A masculine voice says. And Jayce and I both freeze but don't turn around.

"Dude they just making out. If anything Alice should win." Another masculine voice however this one sounds like Blade.

"I should win. I called second base so you both owe me five bucks." A high pitch voice says. Most likely Alice.

"Hey guys. Oh you found them. Looks like Alice gets fifteen bucks." This voice who is definitely Hannah did not whisper and practically shouted making me turn around and Jayce to look towards the voices.

"All of you are fucking terrible whisperers for gang members you know that right?" I ask with one eyebrow raised. My voice causes a loud bang to come from the bushes as well as the trees shaking and a series of curse words to occur.

"I hit my head!-""You stepped on my foot-""HAHAHA!-""I'm going to fucking kill you-""You guys still owe me money!"

One by one they each crawl from the shrubs. Hannah holding her head in between her hands, Andrew limping a little and glaring at Blade who tries to hold in his laughter and Alice comes out looking a bit peeved for the fact that she most likely hasn't got her money yet.

Looking back at my friends and forward at the man that I am now engaged to, I can't help but smile like the Cheshire Cat because these people are the ones who will stand up for me, they will fight for me, take a bullet for me and I for them.

Back from trip!! Enjoy this chapter and let me know what you like or dislike but don't forget to like, comment and follow me for more! Xx


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