Chapter 8

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Car used to go to the dinner - SSC Ultimate Aero TT

"Hahaha!" Alice and I had just arrived back at the house after a long day of shopping. We both have hands full of shopping bags and some of the bodygaurds are carrying some more, of course I didn't want to buy a lot with her money but she insisted so half of them are mine and half of the, are hers.

We both walked through the front door when the sound of a door slamming and footsteps running down the marble staircase silence us. There at the bottom of the stairs stood an angry looking Jayce dressed in a tuxedo, who looks rather good looking if I might add.

"Where. The. FuCk! Have. You BEEN!" He shouted at the both of us. Alice took shelter behind one of the guards while I stood my ground not wanting to look weak in front of him.

"I-I asked you if I c-could take her shop-p-ping..." Alice stuttered still standing behind the bodygaurd, although I don't think he would be quite useful since he himself looks ready to bolt.

"Yes but that was at 9:30am and now it's 4:00pm, that's 6 and a half hours just on shopping! I need to go to Logan and Roxanne's house tonight for this fucking dinner thing and I need to take her with me. We are leaving in 45 minutes and she looks like shit!"

'Way to flatter a lady you douche.'

"Relax Jay, Alice and I will go upstairs and get started on my makeover and then we can head over to the people's house okay?" I told him in a sickly sweet voice not caring if he got irritated I mean I've had such a great day and now he has to come along acting like the grinch, like seriously?

"Don't you Jay me," Emphasis on the 'Jay', "if you want to keep your life you better stop with the attitude." You can see he's practically about to pop so me being the idiot I am walks up to him and leans into him to whisper, "I actually don't want to keep my life so if you want to end it, end it but at this point it looks like you need me more than I need you."

I then turn around to look at Alice, "You wanna help me get ready for a dinner party?" And without further hesitation we run up to my room to get ready but not before checking out Jayce's face after what I just told him and boy did he look confused.

"How did you do that? Like I have never, ever seen someone tell him to calm down before or call him 'Jay' or get close enough to whisper in his ear or-" I cut Alice off before she could go any further. "Okay Alice I think I get it." I giggle while getting out my outfit for the night.

"Ya but you must be some supernatural human being or just not care for your life," oh Alice, if only you knew," because that was some crazy shit right there!" I laugh at her reaction while quickly hopping in the shower for a quick rinse while I listen to Alice's stories about Jayce and how this happened and how that happened and how a chick named Grace tried to sleep with him- wait what?

"Wait- what?" My confusion clear as I get out the shower, place my outfit on and do my makeup . "Yep I have never tried sushi-" "no before that." I cut her off before we get onto a story about how she has never tried sushi.

"Oh ya, well this chick working at a receptionist for all our prisoners, you might have seen her walking up, she looks like a bitch, face caked with makeup etc. well she never used to work down there you see, she thought that Jayce would want to sleep with her so the one day she hit on him but he turned her down so she was just a retard and probably thought 'oh ya he soo wants me'," she said it in a very stereotypical girl voice," so she decided to sneak into his room one night and try seduce him but he woke up he got angry at her and went into one of his scary modes and then, and then..." She stopped, looking up at me cautiously,"don't tell Jayce I told you promise?""promise." I answered.

"Well his best friend at the time was named James. Him and Andrew were brothers but when Jayce saw Grace sneaking into his room he went Rambo and tried to hurt her but James came in to try stop him... In the end, Grace got put as a secretary for the prisoners so Jayce can never constantly see her and James... died saving her. It was a sad day for everyone. Jayce locked himself in his bedroom for a whole week mourning and flags got lowered to symbolize death of a loved one. Everyone saw James as a father but Andrew took it hard. He knew he couldn't do anything about it because him and Jayce were also close but to this day I don't think they will never be as close as they were, I mean if one of your brother got killed by your close friend, how would you react?"

She looks so sad looking at her hands on her laps, so I put down the makeup I was using to go comfort her. " I'm so sorry Al, I know what it's like mourning over a loved one." She looks up at me wearing a sad smile," What's your name? I promise I won't tell my brother. It's kinda hard having to say 'her' all the time." I trust Alice but I know she will tell her brother anyway. She's terrible at keeping secrets but at this point I don't care.

As much as I didn't want to reveal my identity, I trusted Alice," Stacey, my names Stacey." I gave her a reassuring smile when all of a sudden the door slams open.

"Well hurry up its nearly 4:45pm we need to go." Jayce states looking bored. Well I guess Alice didn't even need to tell Jayce, he probably already overheard. I give Alice a reassuring hug and head off downstairs towards the car outside. Wow! "That car is beautiful!"

"Why thank you, it's one of my favorites, SSC Ultimate Aero TT." I look over at him. Aww he looks so love struck with his car cute. Once we get in the car I want to automatically press ALL the buttons because let's be honest, don't we all want to just press buttons in a car? But I think he knew what I was thinking so he gives me a sideways glance if saying don't you dare.

He then starts his care up and were on the road. "Now remember, be on your best behavior, only speak when spoken to and do not make me look bad." Those are the most important rules so I blank out for the rest of them and watch the scenery go past. About ten minutes into the drive I realize something," Why me?"

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