Chapter 26

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Stacey's new car. Vacation house

It's been a few day after the whole Franco scenario. Jayce and Andrew got him to pay him back what he owed us and I haven't heard about him since, God knows what happened to him, anyway. My shoulder is healing quicker than expected however the gang doctor said I need to give it rest since it has been shot before.

Today is a Friday and I woke up feeling surprisingly happy yet strangely hungry. My stomach growled loudly as I tiptoed down the stairs however stopped short when I realized that the house was way too quiet for comfort.

I walked past Andrews closed bedroom door and placed my war against it. Normally if you were to stroll past his room while he was asleep you would be blown away by how loud his snores are, God bless the lady who settles down with him, so it was strange that I couldn't hear one single peep coming out of his room.

I tip toe a couple steps down towards the kitchen when I hear a soft whisper coming from the lounge. Quickly but quietly I grab my new gun from my pants. Yes I carry the gun around with me because firstly it's kinda a rule that you have to carry around protection haha nudge, nudge, hint, hint. Nah I'm joking but you get what I mean, and secondly, because it's pretty and I love it case closed.

Anyway as I near the entrance of the lounge I load my gun silently before bursting through the door and aiming it at the first thing that moved that just happened to be Blade. "Uh... Surprise?" It sounded like more of a question and I dropped my gun staring questionably at everyone, Alice, Jayce, Blade, Hannah, Andrew. "What's going on?" I ask suspiciously.

Alice is the first to answer,"Uh... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She shouts at me before everyone bursts into laughs and shouts. Well everyone except Hannah and Jayce who just roll their eyes. But I could've sworn there was a small smile in there somewhere.

"What?" I laugh, "It's not my birthd- HOLY SHIT ITS MY BIRTHDAY! I'm 23 now!" I shout in sudden realization. Alice and Blades laughs are heard alongside my small giggles. "Yes so hurry up and open your present." She says excitedly while holding out a small box.

"Oh my god I'm so excited! I haven't had a present in a while." I quickly grab it take a deep breath and then I opened it. Inside lay two keys. "Oh my god! No you didn't!" I look up at everyone but Jayce is missing. The sound of a door opening makes me get up and run towards the sound only to find Jayce standing by an open front door motioning to go outside, and I do.

There lies the most beautiful car I have ever laid eyes on. I am so shocked that I immediately stop in my tracks and stare mouth agape unsure of how to respond so instead I look at the key with the remote on and press the little sign indicating unlock and when the car lets out a beep I squeal and jump into Alice's arms.

"Oh my god Alice thank you so much!" I shout. "Well I'm going to have to learn how to drive first but it amazing thank you."

"Well it wasn't just me, it was all of us." So one by one I give them all hugs until I get to Jayce. First I go in for a hug however I start to second guess myself however eventually I give in and wrap my arms around his neck. At first he stiffens but eventually he wraps his arms around me too.

Once we let go of each other I stare questionably at the other set of keys. "What are these for?" I look up at everyone but you can clearly see that Alice is dying to tell me.

"Ali-" "WE'RE GOING ON HOLIDAY!!!" She shouts before I even finish my sentence. "So pack your swimming costumes, sundresses, sunglasses, lotion and everything else for a nice beach vacation because our flight leaves in two hours lets go, go, go!" She shouts and we all rush to get ready. I don't even know where we are going but oh well let's get the show on the road.

Once we have our stuff together Alice, being the motherly figure, shoves us into two cars. Myself, Jayce and Hannah in one car and Andrew, Alice and Blade in another.

Now you can just imagine the tension in the air as we got in the car. First off I was about to jump into the front seat next to Jayce however Hannah pushed me out the way secondly throughout the whole ride she tried to get his attention by telling extremely boring stories until after about 3 hours, which was actually 30 minutes, we arrived at the airport.

Instead of signing in, a few guys in suits lead us out onto the runway and towards a private jet. "Oh my god! You guys know how to spend your money! Seriously I know how you get the money but how do you get away with buying all this stuff and no one asking questions about where you got it from?" I ask gobsmacked.

Andrew just smiles before saying,"We have people on the inside to make sure job one questions it." I take a moment to think. "So there are people in the police from the gang?" "Yep."

'Wow, did not expect that...'I thought before getting on the private jet.

About 10 minutes after we boarded the plane, I fell asleep on one of the surprisingly comfy chairs because I was sleep deprived from this morning and I don't know how long I slept for but eventually I got rudely woken up by Hannah's scowling face.

"Get up, we need to get on a boat now." What the fuck?! A boat? Where are we even going? This was answered after about 15 minutes of riding on a small speed boat a small speck was seen in the distance. That small speck got bigger and bigger the closer we go until eventually it was an actual freaking island! With a house on top

Everyone was ecstatic with excitement. By the looks on everyone's face, I don't think any of us had actually been here before. It was amazing. Everyone rushed in to claim their bedrooms only to find out that some of the bedrooms are downstairs underneath the ocean. There was an elevator to get to each floor. 4 floors downstairs meaning four bedrooms and two bedrooms up stairs with the kitchen lounge and two porches. One with a jacuzzi and one just for lying on. Each bedroom also had its ensuite bathroom. Alice and Blade had the two bedrooms upstairs, Jayce claimed the lowest bedroom underwater I had the room above him, above me was Andrew, above him was Hannah and above her was the main house. It was stunning.

"So everyone, you will be staying here for 2 weeks and we will be bringing you guys supplies every two days however if you need anything special just give us a call. I hope everyone enjoys have fun." The lady who drove us here on the speedboat says as she and two men finish carrying our stuff inside and leave.

Wow this is going to be amazing.

Hey guys so it's actually my birthday today that's why I made this chapter I really enjoyed writing it so hopefully you guys enjoyed reading it. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me. Thank you xx


Kill Me GangleaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora