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"I want to take you out." Zander whispered into my ear.

"Take me out where?" I whispered back, moving my fingertips across his chest.

When his parents had left, Zander had pulled me into a short but sweet kiss. The butterflies were still going crazy inside my stomach. The guys in the living room with us had gone crazy over it and I had become way too shy to face them for any longer. My cheeks were still burning from the blush that had covered my face after he kissed me. Zander had decided to pull me to his bedroom to help me calm down, where we had been cuddling in his bed for hours.

 Zander had decided to pull me to his bedroom to help me calm down, where we had been cuddling in his bed for hours

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"Out, out... on a date." He mumbled, nestling his head into the crook of my neck, placing a soft kiss there.  I blushed at the realisation before nodding, knowing if I opened my mouth the only thing coming out of it would be a squeak of excitement.

I had never been on a date in my entire twenty years of life. I had always been the girl who'd been ignored by the whole male species in my old pack, because I was the one that nobody wanted. Adoringly, I looked down at Zander, his head was now resting against my chest. His muscular arm was draped lazily around my waist, however I knew if I tried to get out of his vice grip, I wouldn't have a chance.

As I laid there, thinking about my past and how I used to let everyone treat me, I decided I wasn't going to allow that anymore. No, I was going to be a strong and confident Luna. Not only for me, but for our pack. Being Luna is a huge role in the pack, after the Alpha and I vowed to do the pack proud.

My eyes started to feel heavy as it got later and I decided that I should sleep if I was going to look good for my first introduction to the pack tomorrow. My nerves were slightly eased after meeting Zander's family since they were so welcoming. I smiled at the thought of meeting all of the members, from the sweet, friendly elders to the loud, joyful children.

My thoughts drifted to Zander as I drifted into a peaceful slumber, a ghost of a smile lining my lips.


I woke up the next morning to a light kiss on my lips. Sleepily, my eyes flickered open to see Zander's emerald eyes staring back at me. "We have to get ready to meet the pack, baby." He whispered, rubbing his thumb across my cheek.

"Okay" I murmured, my eyes slowly drooping closed again.

I heard him laugh, before he tugged on the duvet. "Come on, wake up." He called, this time completely pulling away the duvet.

I groaned, stretching my limbs before forcing myself the sit up. "Why am I so tired today?" I yawned, before swinging my legs out of bed and standing up.

"We had plenty of sleep, so... I can't answer that one." He chuckled, picking out an outfit from his wardrobe. "I asked reception to bring you some clothes until we can get to the shops." He said, pointing to a pile of clothes in the corner of the room.

"Thank you." I beamed, heading to pick out an outfit for today from the pile. I chose some jeans and a plain t-shirt since there wasn't much choice. I headed into the en-suite to brush my teeth and get dressed. Borrowing Zander's comb, I brushed my hair which fell in natural waves down my back.

Once I was ready, I stepped out of the en-suite to be met by a fully dressed Zander. He was wearing a white shirt with black skinny jeans.

"You look nice." I greeted, as he spritzed himself with some aftershave in the mirror.

"As do you." He grinned, turning to face me. "You ready?" He asked, grabbing hold of my hand.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I replied, allowing him to lead us out of the bedroom.

He lead us to the dining room area, filled with many of the pack members crowded around the tables. I blushed as all of their attention focused on me, afraid it would be a repeat of my old pack who had always looked at me in disgust. I felt Zander's eyes on me as he steered us through the tables to the front of the room. I looked up at him and saw a reassuring smile dance across his lips, giving me a sliver of comfort.

I breathed in deeply, smiling towards the crowd, only now had I realised how big this room actually was - it could fit the whole pack in here. There must have been around 300 people here, in my previous pack there was barely 50. My hands shook - I was so nervous. Nonethless, I had to prove my worth to Zander's pack.

"Hello everyone, I'm Iris - your Luna. It's a pleasure to meet you all." I said, attempting to sound confident."I hope you will choose to accept me. I'm so excited to meet all of you and help out as much as I can with anything. I promise to be the best Luna I can be for every one of you. If I can aid any of you, just let me know." I said sincerely.

Smiles lined the pack's faces as I looked around at them, thinking about how beautiful they all were. My eyes lingered on a girl who looked to be around my age. A snarl was grazing her lips. The only angry expression in the room was directed from her. Confused by her expression, I decided to shake it off as nothing, thinking she might have simply been having a bad day.

As the room erupted into noise and people started chatting I felt Zander's hand on my back pushing me through the crowd. I grinned as we approached the pack's children. "They are so adorable!" I squealed to him as he pulled me close to his side.

"You really love kids?" He asked, with a huge smile on his face.

"I do. I looked after the kids often in my old pack." I replied, looking at the little chubby cheeks of the children. "I've always dreamed of having my own family. I'd spoil my baby with love. I would treat them like they was the only person that mattered." I smiled, thinking back to my dreary childhood.

"You won't have to dream for too long." Zander cheesed, winking at me.

"Hey!" I laughed, as red started to tint my cheeks.

He smiled. "I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." He stated, kissing my cheek before walking to the bathroom.

I watched as the pack chattered happily to each other, laughing and playing card games on the tables. Without warning, a hand tightly gripped onto my wrist and pushed me into a corner.

Angrily, I turned around to see my attacker, only to realise it was the snarling girl from earlier. "What is your problem?" I yelled, ripping my wrist away from her grip.

"You're my problem, bitch!" She screamed, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room.

"Excuse me?" I asked, totally confused. "I don't even know who you are!".

"You don't need to know who I am. All you need to know is that Zander is mine!" She screamed, spit escaping her mouth onto my face.

I felt my wolf surface at her words, taking control of my body and pushing her against a wall.

"Do not disrespect me, I am your Luna. Your Alpha is my mate. Don't you dare put your hands on me again!" I seethed, my wolf taking full control over my actions.

I felt Zander's presence behind me as he placed his hand on my arm. My muscles relaxed as my wolf calmed slightly at his touch. Releasing the startled girl, I curled into my mate's arms. "Mine," I whispered into his neck.

"I'm all yours." he whispered back soothingly, running his fingertips down my spine.


Thanks for reading, it actually motivates me to carry on writing to know people enjoy this. So thank you so much!

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