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Laughing, I glanced to Zander who let out a low chuckle. His laugh was so masculine, yet happy and sweet. There was not one thing imperfect about that man.

After having his cold shower, he had left to help pick up pack supplies from a local shop. I had found Logan and Lawson in the flower garden and we had got to know each other a bit more. It was refreshing to have people around me who actually cared to listen and genuinely be interested in what I had to say.

A few hours later, Zander had arrived back at the pack house. He'd found me in the garden and let me know he had to catch up with some "Alpha business", so I had decided to join him in his office.

It was a huge room, with a mighty mahogany desk in front of the window and a maroon swivel chair behind it. Two red sofas were placed in front of the desk, facing towards each other with a small coffee table between them. I was sat on his lap, trying to help out with some letters he was writing. Not long after, Logan and Lawson had come barging in, saying that they wanted to chill with us.

After spending more time with the twins through the day, I'd become aware of their cheeky comedy. They were like a double act. Nonetheless, I had discussed with them things nobody else here knew about, even Zander. We had been speaking about my life in the old pack and their childhood. Surprisingly, when they became aware of my past, they seemed to be so angry, and insisted I told Zander. I had managed to plead with them to not tell him yet, to which they had agreed. Thankfully.

Zander must have felt me staring at him because soon his head had turned to look back at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Get a room! We're virgins over here!" Logan exclaimed, shielding his eyes dramatically.

I scoffed. "Of course you are." I replied sarcastically. "You were practically eating that girl's face earlier. I can't wait to tell your mate about that when you find them!" I joked.

He gasped loudly. "I did not. You wouldn't tell my mate, how is that fair? I never told Zander about when-"

I was covering his mouth with my hand in seconds, "I told you not to say anything!" I whispered angrily.

"Tell Zander about what?" Zander asked curiously, raising one of his eyebrows.

"Nothing!" Logan, Lawson and I said in unison.

"Don't lie to me, what do they know that I don't?" He insisted. Hurt flashed through his eyes and I frowned. I never wanted to hurt him.

"I... uh..." I trailed, looking at the twins for help.

"Earlier, when you went food shopping, Logan, Iris and I were hanging out. We basically told each other a ton of stuff about ourselves and well... Iris has some huge secrets in that little body of hers." Lawson explained, eyeing my body and nodding sympathetically.

"Like what?" Zander asked, staring into my eyes. I knew that if I was going to talk with him about this, it would be difficult. I turned my attention to my hands, intertwining my fingers together.

"What do you want to know?" I answered back, finally.

"Everything," Zander replied. "I want to know everything about you."

I sighed before nodding and taking a seat on the sofa. I started to explain what had happened in my life, how my mother had died at birth, and all my life my father had used that as his excuse to beat, punish and use me. I explained how I had been rejected by everyone, except Ariella until she had left. Then I had been fully alone. I explained how miserable my life had been until I had met him. Until I learnt what love really was.

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