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"Oh, what a lovely surprise." I drawled, glaring at the vampire strolling from the shadows. Creepy and unoriginal. She had it all.

"I wish I could say the same." Rennie sneered, scowling as she looked me from head to toe.

"Seriously, what is your problem?" I asked, feeling Logan's stare on me.

"You! Thinking you can slither your way into Zander's bed and convincing him that you're his mate. He's delusional, you're nothing but a gold digging whore. I wouldn't be surprised if that was a cushion under your shirt, you just love his attention." She said nastily, walking closer with each sentence.

"Are you serious?" I scoffed. "I love Zander, and I respect his descicion to be your friend . But if you talk about my child like that again, I will fucking claw your ugly little eyes out."

"Your child?" She sneered. "Your bastard child."

My eyes narrowed on her as I tried to control my breathing. Be rational, be rational...

"I'm sure Zander hoped you would abort it, he has always told me how much he wanted to be an older father. The kid should just die already, everyone would be better off." She snorted, her face resembling a pig as she scrunched it up in disgust.

"I warned you!" I screamed, going to jump at her. Logan dashed out of his seat, gripping me tightly to stop me from reaching her.

"Let me go!" I yelled, thrashing wildly in his arms. "I'll kill her! You're dead, you stupid bitch!"

"What the hell is going on?" Zander growled, storming into the office and frowning at our prediciment.

"Zandy, she just went crazy! Nearly attacked me!" Rennie cried, clinging to his arm desperately.

Is she for real?

"Let me go." I stated calmly, taking a deep breath. Cautiously, Logan removed his arms from around me, making sure that I didn't run for her.

"She is lying." I stated simply, walking towards Zander and the obsessed girl cringing into his body. "And you can believe me or her, I don't give a fuck. Just know that the girl clinging to your arm has only minutes ago wished death on our child."

With that, I turned and exited the room, ignoring the commotion behind me.

I was sick of her. Weasling her way between us all the time. I hated her. Hate was such a strong emotion, that I didn't feel very often, and this vampire had used my unborn child in spite to make it so easy to direct at her.

How could she say such things?

She had wished death upon my baby. A baby that would recieve nothing but love and affection. How dare she?

Before, I had thought that maybe I had taken things out of proportion by threatening her openly the first time we had met, but how I disagreed right now. She had meant for her words to taunt me.

Anger boiled through my body, igniting me with a ferocious heat. Frantically, I tried taking deep breaths, the anger overwhelming my body. My head was pixelated, juggling any clear thoughts I had. The hallway spun, and a shout called out distantly.

Then, my bright world turned into nothingness.


"Will...she...baby...okay?" A mumbled voice broke through my unconsciousness, bounding around as an unwanted pain in my head arose.

"It seems fine, just a few bumps." A fairly familiar voice uttered, as something pricked my wrist.

"Shut up," I croaked, not daring to open my eyes from the peaceful darkness.

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