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I couldn't speak. My throat was closed up, trying desperately to hold back my tears. His speech had hitten me hard, and now I was having difficulty answering his question.

Zander's face dropped. "You don't have to say yes. I'll understand-"

"No! No... I want this." I cried, my eyes unleashing waterfalls.

"You'll marry me?" He whispered, a hopeful look on his face.

"Of course I will!" I exclaimed, jumping into his arms.

"Don't you want the ring?" He chuckled, clinging to me equally as tight.

"Oh." I squeaked, leaning from his embrace just enough so that he could slide the ring on. It was a beautiful; white gold with a rectangle diamond in the middle and small circular diamonds surrounding it.

"It has been in my family for generations." He told me softly, keeping my hand in both of his. "It was my mother's engagement ring, and her mother's, etcetera."

"It's stunning." I breathed, turning my attention back to Zander.

He'd proposed to me! My heart was hammering against my ribcage relentlessly, it was rare that werewolves actually got married, so that only shocked me further.

"I love you so much." He stated, kissing my hand.

"I love you so much, that I'm debating whether Ryan Gosling is as mouthwatering as you." I teased, bringing a smile to his face.

"Kiss me." He mumbled, pulling my body against his.

"Happily, husband." I grinned, attaching our lips in a kiss overpowered by passion.

Did I mention that I loved him?


It was Friday.

After the eventful week full of celebrations over Zander proposing to me, I was going for my day with the rogues.

Well, I never thought I'd say that.

Zander, Jake and I were relaxed in the back of a car, waiting to arrive at the rogue pack house. Jake had begged to come, repeating "I need to meet my Rapunzel!" all day until I gave in. I broke at his cuteness.

"We're here." The elderly driver informed, laughter wrinkles forming as he smiled at us.

"Thank you," I declared as we piled out of the car.

Looking up at the large building, I couldn't stop the excitement from flowing through me. I couldn't wait to bond with my new pack.

"Where is she? Will she be in a tower?" Jake babbled on as we entered the pack house.

"You'll see her soon, I promi-"

"Queen Iris!" A little voice squealed, overlapping my sentence.

"...Rapunzel." I faintly heard Jake whisper, as the small blonde crashed into me.

"Mummy said you'd come!" She exclaimed, wrapping her dainty arms around my waist. As she pulled away, a frown was etched across her face. "Hey, why do you have a big belly?" She questioned, touching my stomach hesitantly.

Zander laughed, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, squishing Jake between us.

"The baby is growing in there." Jake answered before I could, staring at Katie with big, astonished eyes.

Katie's eyes flickered to Jake and a tint of red warmed her cheeks. Quickly, she turned her attention back to me. "Mummy said babies are made by kisses." She stated, looking at me expectantly.

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