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"Ugh!" I groaned, trying to fasten my jeans for the twentieth time.

"Baby, just wear some leggings or something." Zander suggested, walking into our closet.

"No, they will fit me!" I growled, refusing to admit I'd gained weight. These were my favourite jeans!

"Fine, just don't hurt yourself," He warned, pulling on a white tshirt and dark wash jeans.

"Are you trying to say I'm fat?" I questioned sassily, crossing my arms.

"Not at all, and even if you were, I wouldn't give a shit. You'll always be perfect to me." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around my waist.

Slowly, his hands slid down to the waistband of my jeans and he tugged them down. "Leggings make your arse look good, you know?" He whispered in my ear. I could feel his smirk.

"Shut it." I laughed, pulling on some leggings anyway.

"You love it." He grinned, planting a kiss on my forehead.

Rolling my eyes, I answered sarcastically. "Sure..."

A half smile stretched across his features. "We're going to see a doctor today, you might have some disease. Gross,"  He joked, scrunching up his face.

"Well if I do I've got it from you," I retorted, walking into the bedroom proudly.

His chuckled as he followed me out of the closet. Sitting on the bed, I pulled on some fluffy slippers before standing up and entwining our hands.

"Doctors, then?" I asked, recieving a small smile and nod from him.


"How are you?" Dr Lonas asked, as soon as I had entered her room.

"I don't know really." I replied, sitting in front of her desk with Zander.

"Have you been feeling ill, Luna?" She questioned, looking at me before typing on her keyboard again.

"I wouldn't say ill..." I started, "Lately I've just been getting tired a lot and I've gained weight."

Dr Lonas eyed me, taking in my appearance. "Can I ask when your last period was?" She smiled softly.

"Uh..." I stopped, realising something. "Oh my god."

"What is it?" Zander asks worriedly.

"I missed my period." I countered, glancing at the doctor.

"Then there is a big chance that you're pregnant, Luna." She grinned, rendering me speechless.

"Oh... wow." I mumbled. staring at Zander.

"We need to give you a scan. Follow me, please." Dr Lonas said, walking out of the room with us following.

Eventually, we entered a dark room and I was instructed to lay down. Dr Lonas set up a machine while Zander and I waited patiently, holding hands.

"Okay, we're ready honey. Just pull up your shirt for me." She cooed, rubber gloves on.

Pulling up my shirt, I watched as she scooped up some gel with her hand. "This will be a little cold." She told me, rubbing the gel over my stomach.

Shivering, I held Zander's hand tightly. I might be pregnant.

The doctor then started rubbing a cylinder shaped stick over the gel. Foggy pictures came up on the screen and soon cleared up.

Dr Lonas rolled around my stomach for a long time before she stopped and looked at me.

"Iris, you're..."


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