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Zander was angry. In fact, he was furious.

"It was rogues? How fucking dare they? They think they can kill two of my pack members and get away with it? They're wrong, very fucking wrong." He growled out, pacing trenches into his office flooring.

"Zander, calm down. We won't get anywhere with you thinking with an angry mind. We can't just attack them, think about it!" I exclaimed, pushing him down into his chair and straddling his lap.

His darkened eyes swirled with realisation. Sighing in defeat, he leant back in his chair, closing his eyes as his head rested against the back of it. He opened one eye slowly and smirked at me, "You're hot when you're mad."

"Zander!" I scolded, slapping his chest.

Laughter vibrated through his body and gradually morphed into a sigh. "What are we going to do, Iris?" He questioned, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"We're not going to attack, that's for sure." I stated sternly.

"We can't just let them get away with it!" He exclaimed, frowning.

Smoothing out his frown with my fingers, I answered him. "What do you think they're expecting? They want us to retaliate. If we don't attack first it will give us more time to prepare for when they do." I stated.

"And what if they don't attack?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"We hunt them down." I said, climbing off his lap. "We need all of our pack members trained and ready to fight, if these rogues attack they will be ruthless and kill anyone. Women and children alike."

"All pack members are trained to fight, instead of physical education at school they have battle training." He informed me.

"Great, so we don't need to worry about that," I started, "But border control has to be improved. We have 25 members surrounding the area at all times, I think we should double it to 50 to make sure no rogues get past. We don't need a repeat of yesterday."

"I'll sort it. Tomorrow we'll have a pack meeting to inform them about our worry of an attack." He said, standing up from his chair.

Nodding, I walk into his outstretched arms, forgetting all of the stress as his warm embrace drowned me.

"What do you think they want?" I mumbled, resting my cheek against his chest.

"I don't know... war?" He asked, unsure himself.

"I'm not sure Zander. If they wanted war, surely they would just attack us all at once; when they had the biggest advantage." I said, drawing circles on his neck.

His chest vibrated as he hummed thoughtfully, twirling my hair between his fingers. "But what else could they want?" He replied.

The door banging open into the wall of Zander's office made us jump. "Iris, are you okay?" My Mother's worried voice questioned as she rushed into the room, my Father in tow.

"I'm fine, but two pack members have been killed by rogues." I informed her, grimacing.

She paused. "Oh my. Do you think it is..." Mum trailed off, looking at my Dad nervously.

"Possibly..." He started. "Iris, you said you had that dream; what was it about?"

"I was in a forest, there were rogues bowing down to me and this voice... identical to yours." I admitted, wondering how this had anything to do with the murders.

Mother gasped, sitting down. "He was right," She muttered, staring at me.

"What? Who was right?" I questioned, completely lost.

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