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I couldn't feel anything but pain. Heartbreak, betrayal... Loss.

The room was empty, yet I felt isolated. My cheeks were stiff from all the dried tears that had fallen. Beep, beep, beep echoed around the pale hospital room, repeating itself like a confused child.

A child. Something I had always wanted, yet managed to lose so suddenly.

"I'm so sorry...". As soon as those words had left the doctor's lips, I knew what had happened. I knew my baby was gone."The placenta hadn't developed properly, so...". That was when the pain had washed over me. I didn't hear anymore. My surroundings blurred away into nothingness and I was in my own bubble.

I'd miscarried Damien.

Zander had been there, but I couldn't take notice of him. He'd tried apologising, tried 'explaining'. No. I couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe he had kissed a vampire; and Rennie out of all of them. All those times he had said he loved me...

I didn't know what to do, what to say: what to feel.

So I cried, more than I ever have before. I cried for my baby, I cried for my heartbreak. I cried until I had no tears left. Until I fell asleep from exhaustion.

Nothing could help the emptiness that I felt.

I knew my fairytale life would end eventually, but not as sudden as this.

-•- One year later -•-

"Iris, are you sure about this?" Storm, one of my closest friends sympathised.

After what had happened last year, I'd left Zander and his pack. The pain of seeing him and knowing he'd decieved me was just too much to handle. I moved in with my real pack, the rogues. The pain of leaving him lessened everyday, but it was still there. I tried masking it; tried putting up my wall. Tried to be strong, happy...

But today that wall had crumbled.

It had been exactly one year. One whole year since that day. The day I had lost the two most important people in my life. My baby and my mate.

Today I was going to visit Damien's grave.

Storm was worried, since it was in Zander's territory. But he couldn't ruin this for me. I was going to walk through that border and if anyone tried to stop me, I was not responsible for my actions.

"I'm going to pay respect for my child, Storm." I concluded, tieing up my boot laces.

Biting her lip, she nodded. "Yeah... Yeah, you should do it. But at least let me come for support." She pleaded again, her worry eating her alive as usual.

"I'll be fine, I mean I am the rightful Luna after all. They can't touch me. Plus, my Mum said my powers are sparking up, so if they try anything, I'll just burn their asses." I joked, trying to reassure her. My 'powers' were what I had inherited for being the next Widow, which includes igniting fire. Probably my favourite yet.

Storm sighed. "If you don't mindlink me when you pass that border, I will sacrifice myself." She warned, hugging me tightly.

"Don't you dare." I mumbled, pulling away and giving her the biggest smile I could. "I'll see you later."

"See you later." She called, as I trecked out of the pack house.

As soon as I was inside the forest, I stripped and shifted faster than I ever have before. My clothes were between my canines as I shot through the trees like a bullet. Crunching of leaves sounded as my paws pounded against the ground. Wind flowed through my thick fur. I felt free, my worries were gone for a while.

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