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"Hey, wake up!" Voices shouted too close to my face.

"Go away." I mumbled, cuddling deeper into the warmth next to me.

"Warmth?" Zander's husky voice spoke sarcastically. How dare he read my thoughts, that cheeky little boy. I smirked, knowing he'd be listening.

"Zander," I whined, "Make them go away."

"No can get do, baby. We have to get up. Pack meeting is in 10 minutes." He said.

"Wait a pack meeting - why, what's wrong? Is anyone hurt?" I exclaimed, standing up quickly and running towards the pack house. We were so stupid to stay outside when our pack could have been in danger!

I heard three pairs of heavy footsteps thunder behind me, telling me that Zander, Logan and Lawson were following. Obviously with them being such athletic men, they had caught up with me fast.

"Slow down, love. Nothings wrong, we just wanted to inform everyone of your news about being Moonstone's daughter." He smiled, stopping me and grabbing hold of my waist so I couldn't move.

Pouting, I looked at Zander closely. He was so gorgeous, I had never met anyone as perfect as him. His green eyes were the shade of peacock feathers, and his full, pink lips were almost screaming to be kissed.

Leaning up onto my tiptoes, I kissed him quickly before pulling away and running to the pack house giggling. I missed just being able to sit and talk with Zander, but we had pack business and that always had to come first.

Reaching the door, I opened it to instantly hear the noise die down and many pairs of eyes land on me. A few weeks ago this would have intimidated me so much that I probably would have had a panic attack. However, after these the past few amazing weeks I knew that there was nothing to worry about. This was my new family. My pack.

Smiling, I waved at everyone. I had only met the whole pack together once so I had been attempting to converse with as many members as I could when we crossed paths. I still didn't truly know if they had accepted me yet, so I had tried to prove myself to them in any way possible.

"Luna, Luna! Can I have a cookie now?" Said a cute little voice from below me.

I looked down to the sight in front of me. A little boy, maybe three years old stood staring at me with his brown hair ruffled and big blue eyes full of excitement. I couldn't help the grin that found its way onto my face. "Of course you can sweet." I replied, picking him up so that I could take him to the kitchen to get his cookie. I remembered promising him one for winning a game the twins and I had set up for the pack children in the garden.

 I remembered promising him one for winning a game the twins and I had set up for the pack children in the garden

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I sat him down on the counter top and opened the cookie jar next to him.

"So, which one would you like? Chocolate chip, double chocolate, or red velvet?" I asked, looking at his nearly pained expression and giggled. I leaned closer and whispered, "Or you can have one of each and we won't tell Mr. Alpha.". His eyes widened and he nodded eagerly.

"Don't tell me, aye?" I heard Zander's voice rumble from behind me, before hands circled around my waist, causing a small squeak to escape my mouth.

"Busted." The boy murmured, pouting at me.

"We were just joking." I laughed. "Hey, what's your name darling?" I asked, realising I didn't know the little boy's name.

"I'm Jake!" He exclaimed proudly, a toothy grin making its way onto his face.

"Well, Jake wanted one each of the cookies. And I knew the big mean Alpha wouldn't let him have them all!" I chuckled as Jake covered his laugh with his hands.

"Is that right?" Zander replied, playfully frowning at Jake.

He puffed, "Yeah! Mr. Alpha you are too mean!"

I muffled my laugh, Zander loved kids but it seemed that Jake was on my side in this argument.

Zander faked a growl and I quickly put Jake down as he screamed, watching as Zander chased after him. I smiled to myself knowing that whenever we were to have children, they'd have a great father.

"You two are so cute together." I jumped, hearing Ariella's voice from behind me.

Raising my hand to my heart, I breathed out. "God, Ariella. You scared me!"

She smirked, "Well, if you weren't so distracted thinking about your mate you'd have heard me enter."

I blushed, laughing as I replied, "Oh, stop it.".

She laughed, walking over to me and sitting on one of the bar stools, suddenly turning serious. "You know, we have to have the meeting now. Zander told me you might want these." She stated, handing me a set of clothes.

"Oh, shit! Yes, I totally forgot!" I rushed, taking the clothes and heading into the bathroom just outside the kitchen to get changed. Once I was done, I quickly helped Ariella to her feet and guided her into the dining room with me.

"Wow. I'm nervous again." I said to her, as she took a seat at a table.

"You'll do great, you always do. Go show them who their Luna is!" She giggled, shooing me towards the front of the room where Zander was already standing, watching my every move.

Everyone was chatting happily around me as I walked down the isle between tables, keeping themselves busy while waiting for us to announce the beginning of the meeting.

I walked to stand beside Zander, intertwining our hands causing him to grin. The pack gradually grew quieter as they noticed I had arrived and their full attention was now on us.

"Thank you for coming today everyone. I hope none of you worried and thought the worst like me." I said to the crowd, causing a few chuckles to be heard around the room.

"We have some exciting news to tell you all today." Zander finished, smirking at my flushed face.

I breathed, "I guess we do. Just a few days ago, I discovered that I have a mother. Of course, I knew I had one but she had died during childbirth. Little did I know, it had been a lot more complicated than that." I paused, looking around at the intrigued faces of the pack. "My mother is a member of The Widows. Moonstone to be exact." I finished.

Gasps sounded throughout the pack and lots of shocked faces were visible as whispers erupted across the crowd.

"It's true. She is my child." The whispers all stopped as soon as my Mother's soothing voice drifted over the pack.


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