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Twenty-three times.

Twenty-three times Zander and Axel came knocking on the guest room door, rattling on about how sorry they are and that they loved us.

Ariella and I had dozed off after that, getting annoyed with their constant whining. They scared us and thought they could get away with it? Hell no. They thought that we would sleep in a different room for a night before crawling back to them the next day. Too bad that we had made a plan. Quite simply, to ignore them.


The next day a loud banging on the door along with that all too familiar voice had woken me up. Grumpily, I trudged out of bed and headed towards the bedroom door. I was not a morning person.

"What?" I snapped, it was the blonde girl who started an argument with me the first time I had met the pack. Would she never understand that I am Zander's mate?

"I just wanted to see if Zandy was with you. He left these in my room." She smirked, pulling some boxers from her pocket and holding them up for me to see.

Narrowing my eyes, I grinned at her feeble attempt to anger me. "Bless your heart. You really thought I'd care about a pair of boxers he left in your room before he met me." I laughed, crossing my arms. "The thing is, I can have him whenever the fuck I want. And you? You were just his play toy. Run along now." I made shooing motions with my hands, hoping she'd get the gist and leave.

"Ugh!" She spat, stomping her foot like a child. "Zander was mine way before you got here. Don't worry, soon enough he will be hored of the ugly runt and come back to me. What can you give him that I can't?" Her face lit up evilly as her eyes roamed my body.

"The only thing you can give him that I won't is an STD, now get the fuck out of my face." I stated, staring into her furious eyes.

I heard laughter and looked down the hall to see Logan and Lawson walking towards us, obviously listening in on our whole conversation.

"Hey boys!" She screeched, trying to bat her eyelashes seductively but ended up looking like a camel with sand in its eye.

"Uh, hey Roxie." Lawson muttered, brushing past her and standing next to me.

"So, what were you two talking about?" Logan asked, trying to look like he hadn't just overheard the conversation.

"Oh.. Just girl stuff." Roxie laughed, trying to play off that she had just disrespected her Luna.

"It didn't sound like that to us, aye Logan?" Lawson said, looking expectantly at his brother.

"No, I'm sure Alpha will want to be informed of this." Logan said, smirking at the frightened expression on Roxie's face.

"That won't be necessary guys. Roxie won't bother me anymore. If she does, I'll make sure that she pays for it." I said, walking closer to her. "Run along before they decide to tell Zandy" I mocked, glaring at her. She looked confused but decided to listen to me and walked away quickly.

"Why the hell did you just defend her when she just disrespected you?" Logan said loudly.

"Be quiet before you wake everyone up!" I muttered, turning to face the boys in the doorway. "I defended her because Zander is known to be really harsh when it comes to punishment if the behaviour repeats after a warning. No matter what she said to me, she wouldn't deserve that punishment." I said, making sure that they understood to not tell him.

"Really harsh?" Zander whispered into my ear. Fuck.

I huffed and crossed my arms, glaring at the twins smirking in front of me. They could have given me a heads up that he was behind me.

"Still not speaking to me, aye? Here I was going to give you some of your favourite chocolate..." He trailed off, putting an arm around my waist while the other held the chocolate bar near my face.

" He trailed off, putting an arm around my waist while the other held the chocolate bar near my face

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My eyes widened and I grabbed the chocolate. Pushing his arm off me, I quickly ran into the room Ariella and I were sharing before slamming the door closed behind me.

"Wake up! I have chocolate!" I screamed, jumping on the bed to try to wake up Ariella.

Quickly, she sat up. "What? Chocolate? Where?" She looked around before her eyes zeroed in on my hands, which were currently holding onto the chocolate for dear life.

"Give me some!" She whined, looking at it like it was the last drop of water on a desert.

"I will, have you seen how big it is?" I eyed the huge bar of chocolate lovingly before sitting next to Ariella.

"Where'd you even get it from?" She laughed as I teared into it and shoved a piece in my mouth.

"Zander." I smirked.

She shook her head before grabbing a piece. "Mmm, tastes like guilt and sorrow. My favourite."

"Bro, your mate is pretty weird." We heard a hushed whisper say. What the fuck?

Looking at each other, we slowly got off the bed and headed towards the sound of hushed voices. The whispers died down as we stood in front of the walk in wardrobe.

"Boys get out of the bloody wardrobe." Ariella grumbled, putting a hand on her hip, making her pregnant belly pop out more than usual.

Two sighs were heard before Zander and Axel stepped out of the closet looking as guilty as ever. "How did you know we were there?" Zander said with a  confused expression.

"Well your whispers aren't all that quiet." I laughed, shaking my head.

His face softened as he looked at me laughing and before I knew it I was engulfed in his arms. "Can you forgive me yet?" He pleaded, deeply breathing in my scent.

I heard a squeal and looked to Ariella being carried out of the room by Axel. I smiled warmly at them until they were out of the room and was pulled back into my moment with Zander when he pulled my chin to look at him.

"Am I really that repulsive you can't even look at me?" He teased, pecking my nose.

"You know you're perfect." I murmured, nestling my head in his neck.

"You're the perfect one." He replied, his arms tightening around me and I smiled.

"Are you sure you're an Alpha? You are way too cheesy." I giggled as he pulled away from me and glared teasingly.

"You better run." He growled.

Laughing loudly, I ran out of the room as I heard his footsteps thunder after me.


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