Chapter One

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Portus; Creates a portkey

~Arden Diggory~

My older brother Cedric stood outside of my bedroom window, calling out for my attention. "Come on Arden!" He whined. "We're going to be late!" 

Giggling at his childish attitude, I hauled my trunk out of the house and dumped it on our green lawn.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"He's already at the portkey. I suggest we hurry so we won't be late, it's already quarter to 11." Cedric urged. I groaned, whilst attempting to lift my ridiculously heavy trunk. Cedric, noticing my struggle, pulled it up for me.

"Right! We need to hurry you two!" My father chirped. He lead us a few yards in front of our quaint home to a dirty glass bottle. "Arden dear, hand me your trunk. Now, remember to hold on tight."

"Dad we've done this a thousand times, we're okay." Cedric laughed.

"You can never be too cautious, Cedric." The three of us held onto the glass bottle and we spun into the air. Moments later, we were in a secluded area near Kings Cross Station. The three of us hurried into the station and put our trunks on a trolley. We found platforms 9 and 10 and ran through the wall in between them. Once we were on the other side, Cedric and I hurried to the Hogwarts Express and put our luggage on the train. "You two be safe, and have fun." My father told us.

"We will father, we do every year." Cedric said cheerfully. My father pulled me into a tight hug and kissed the top of my head.

"Don't let those nasty Slytherins make you feel left out again this year alright?" He reassured. I nodded. Every year my fellow Slytherins make me feel unwelcome. My brother and father, being pure Hufflepuffs, gave everyone the expectation that perhaps I'd be sorted into the same house. Only when I sat on the wooden stool and donned the Sorting Hat, Slytherin was loudly heard across the great hall only moments after the hat was placed on my head. 

I knew the Sorting Hat was never wrong, but that time I was certain it was. I remember begging Dumbledore to make me change houses, but he simply refused, saying that he saw the Slytherin qualities in me. I've yet to see any of them.

"If they do, they'll have to have a chat with me." Cedric reassured. He hugged my father then the two of us rushed on the train as it was almost time to depart. We waved goodbye as we got on then walked to find a compartment. "I'll be sitting with some of my friends, you can join us if you like Arden." Cedric offered.

"No thank you, I think I'll go find Hermione." I smiled, then Cedric and I went in different directions. I searched the compartments and heard a feminine voice call out my name.

"Arden!" They said. I looked in the direction it came from and saw my best friend, Hermione Granger. Hermione was in a compartment with my two other friends Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. I greeted the three and sat next to Hermione, across from Ron and Harry. Harry seemed down, and wasn't his usual self. I heard about what happened at the Quidditch Cup with the death eaters gate crashing. I wondered if I should ask him about it, or maybe that would be a bit insensitive.

"Are you alright Harry?" I asked. Harry nodded slightly.

"I just don't quite understand what happened at the Quidditch Cup." He admitted.

"Sirius would want to hear about this, Harry." Hermione said. Harry nodded, and the four of us began talking about our Summer holidays. While Hermione and I were talking, and Harry was writing a letter to his god-father Sirius, the lady with the candy trolley came to our compartment. I

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