Chapter Fifty One

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Draco pushed anyone in his way. A few first years had fallen over, but he didn't care one bit if he knocked over an 11 year old.

Draco eventually got close enough to Arden to be able to touch her. He grabbed the back of her robe and yanked her out of the hall and into the courtyard.

She yelped out in shock as she was pulled from the corridor and away from the large group of students. She felt butterflies in her stomach when she locked eyes with Draco's stunning steel ones.

"What the hell was that?" Draco threatened. Arden found herself unable to speak while staring at his beauty. She remembered all the times she would lose herself in his eyes right before they kissed, it made her heart ache.

So she looked off to the side, and avoided his gaze. Not staring at him made her confidence immediately boost. She flashed a crooked smile as she finally found a way to avoid day dreaming about him if they were to ever come face to face.

Arden shrugged, then turned on her heel to the direction of her next class.

Draco scoffed as his ex ignored him. It obviously wasn't clear to him at this moment that he broke her heart, and she didn't want to talk to him again because of it.

But Draco wanted answers. Why was she suddenly so interested in Harry? How could she brew such a difficult potion in under an hour and he couldn't? Why was she so beautiful and why could he not stay upset with her for more than a few seconds?

His thoughts went off track and he quickly snapped back to reality. Draco chased after Arden again, putting his hand on her shoulder, forcing her to turn around.

"I'm sorry but did I not make it clear that I don't want to talk to you again?" She spat. She didn't dare to look into his eyes, she looked slightly to the left of his face, staring at a brick wall nearby.

Draco noticed her avoiding his eye contact, and tried to move his head to make her look into his eyes.

But she wouldn't do it. Eventually Draco sighed in frustration and looked down at her chest.

"So if you want me to avoid your eyes would this be better?" He taunted.

Arden laughed, but it was a nasty laugh, a laugh you would do when someone you hated tried to insult you, but it failed.

"Malfoy you are staring at nothing but cotton. Sure, if you've got a thing for staring at grey fabric then be my guest, but just know that's kind of weird." She teased.

Draco smirked. "Ah, so she talks!"

Arden looked up to the ceiling, not wanting to let his stupidly attractive smirk make her fall head over heels.

"What do you even want, I didn't even know you'd want to talk to me." She snapped.

Draco wanted to tell her the truth. Tell her how much he loved her. He wanted to beg her to run away with him and leave his mission behind, let them be alone, where no Death Eater could find him and hurt her. Let her be truly safe.

But instead, Draco kept playing the role of the boy who didn't love Arden.

"So, you and Potter?" He asked. Arden rolled her eyes and started walking off to her Herbology lesson.

Unfortunately for her, she had every single class with Draco Malfoy, so he walked right by her side.

"You didn't answer my question." He said sternly.

"I have every right not to." She argued. "I also have every right to punch you in the balls for not leaving me alone, but I'm not sure if there's anything there..." she teased.

Draco scowled. "Don't lie to yourself Diggory, I know you want to-"

Arden forced out ridiculously loud laughter to drown out the dirty things Draco was saying.

"In your bloody dreams, Malfoy, and I mean that literally." She insulted. "Besides you're the one gawking at me during Potions; are you sure it's not you who wants to-"

"Ew!" Draco cursed. "Merlin's beard Diggory I don't want diseases." He teased.

Arden glared at him. "Get. Fucked." She spat.

Draco smirked. "Alright then, that won't be hard since I have a lot to choose from now. I could start with Pansy Parkinson, I hear she's a bit of a-"

Arden slapped Draco across the face, leaving a red hand print on his left cheek. He hissed in pain and tried to cool the pain with his hand.

"What the hell was-"

"You're a vile, cruel, disgusting mother fucker and I mean it when I say this..." Arden cut herself off to hold her head back. She tried her best not to let the tears roll down her cheeks.

When she felt the tears disappear, she took on a deep breath to scream in Draco's face.

"DON'T TALK TO ME EVER AGAIN!" Her voice broke towards the end as she screamed with pure rage. Draco closed his eyes, bracing himself for another well deserved smack across the face for taking the conversation too far.

Instead he heard Arden run in the opposite direction of their next class, and towards the girls bathroom.

She was sobbing hard, so hard that some students tried to stop her and ask her if she was okay, but she kept running.

Draco groaned in frustration as he banged his fist against the brick wall. He'd taken the act too far. Every insult that slipped out of her mouth only riled him up more. Every word that he said, he instantly regretted.

Arden would never take him back now, he'd made her cry twice, and possibly just worsened her recovery over him.

Draco argued with himself. Why couldn't he just keep his mouth shut? Why could he not tell her that he needed to be apart because he was apart of a dangerous group? He loved her so much, and every insult he said to her made his heart ache.

It wasn't worth it to play the asshole if it would end with Arden in tears. If it meant that she hated him even more, then Draco couldn't do it. He wanted her back desperately, but he was pushing her too far.

Meanwhile Arden sat in a cubicle, sobbing uncontrollably as her unconditional love for Draco Malfoy fought against her logical thinking.

'You need to get over him, he doesn't love you, he hates you, you can't win back what wasn't there.'

'He made you feel like you were in heaven. Win him back, you love him, and you always will.'

Arden left the cubicle and leaned over a basin. She looked up in the mirror, and pulled out the emerald necklace Draco gave to her. She examined the emerald, and decided to follow her heart, despite her most likely becoming heart broken again.


Who needs studying when you can make yourself cry over fictional characters.

I love these two so much. Arden is so weak and fragile, and she loves him too much to think logically and stay away from him. It's unhealthy, definitely, that she is willing to accept him insulting her and still love him, but it just shows how unstable she really is.

And I honestly love the inner conflict Draco is having. She drives him crazy, she drives his dick crazy (OOPS) but he misses what they had, and he doesn't want her involved in his dangerous missions.

As Draco's mission becomes more difficult, he will definitely be craving Arden to comfort him and ease his stress, but will she have to know the truth to do so???????????? Hmm....

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