Chapter Sixty Five

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The Task

Earlier than expected, Draco had managed to repair the cabinet. He laid beside Arden, the crisp white sheets covering their naked bodies. He stared up at the ceiling late at night while Arden rested her head on his bare chest. He planned to kill the Headmaster tonight, though he wasn't sure if he were entirely ready.

Draco mentally kicked himself in the head as he realised the two had occupied the Room of Requirement, meaning he had to wake her and get her out before the Death Eaters came.

He gently shook her, causing her to groan and clutch onto him tighter. "Arden, get dressed, I'll take you back to the common room-"

"Five more minutes..." she whined.

"It's not morning just yet, but I need you to get dressed now." He urged. Draco gently moved her off of him, as he changed in record time. Arden fluttered her eyes open, squinting to try and see Draco in the dim lit room.

"What are you doing?" She asked tiredly. Draco found her clothes tossed across the other side of the room and gave them to her.

"I have to do the thing, but I need this room free." Draco said hurriedly. "Quickly, I don't want you in here when they come."

Arden slowly got out of bed and changed back into her Hogwarts uniform. She didn't bother to fix her tie, and left it loose around her neck as she slipped her shoes on. "Close your eyes, the rooms going to change." Draco whispered, as he requested the Room of Hidden Things.

The room was summoned, and Arden looked around confused. "Draco I-"

Draco put both of his hands on her shoulders, looking straight into the eyes that he may not see for a long time.

"I'll get you out of here, but don't ask any questions, got it?"

Arden tried to argue, but Draco's swift movement in pulling her close to him stopped her. He connected his lips to hers, roughly kissing her, but with passion. He didn't want his goodbye to be like this, but as he heard the door of the vanishing cabinet open, he realised it was going to be cut short.

He quickly pulled away from her. His aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange, pretended to look around the room and acted that she didn't just witness her nephew kiss a girl she didn't know. In any other circumstance she would love to taunt him, but now was not the time, for he needed to be in the right mindset.

She flashed a wide grin that made Arden step away in fear, due to her yellow pointed teeth. Bellatrix strutted over to Draco, casually leaning against him.

"Pretty little one she is." She joked. "Has Draco found us a sympathiser? Will she be helping us?"

Draco cleared his throat, trying to quickly create a lie. "She's under the imperius curse." He lied. "She's going to create a distraction."

Arden clung onto his arm, looking up at him worriedly. Bellatrix cackled at her fear. "I don't think you did the spell yet, Draco."

Bellatrix started to pull out her wand, making Arden's grip on her boyfriend's arm tighten. Draco held out his hand, signalling his aunt to halt. He pulled out his own wand instead. He turned away from Bellatrix, making sure that she wouldn't see the guilt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." He whispered so quietly that not even Arden could hear, but she knew by reading his lips. Draco hesitated, but Arden looked away from him, making it somewhat easier to curse her.

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