Chapter Thirty One

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Beginning of Year Five


Arden didn't sleep that night. She didn't sleep most nights actually. She sat the desk chair the whole night, digging her nails into the wooden desk and drawing morbid pictures of hooded figures.

Death Eaters.

After what Harry told her, it was all that was on her mind. How could she look at Draco the same? Knowing that he will potentially become one too. If he did become one, what would she do?

Report him? Or do nothing?

She watched the sun rise out of the window. She tiptoed over and leaned her head outside.

"Is this good enough sunshine, 'Mione?" Arden muttered to herself. Once the sun was fully up, Arden left the bedroom. She cringed as ever step she made caused a creak in the stairs. The paintings on the wall groaned at her and mumbled rude things about her appearance, but she didn't care.

Arden was starving. She'd never been bothered to get her own food at home, but knowing that Molly Weasley was in the building her mouth watered at the thought of food.

Arden heard chatter coming from the kitchen, and she leaned her ear on the door to try and listen in.

"He is building his army. It's getting bigger as days go on." A voice said quietly. Arden wondered, where they talking about Voldemort?

"I don't think we should be having a meeting at this time, the kids will be awake at any moment." Mrs Weasley said. Arden heard footsteps near closer to the door, and she quickly jumped back as the kitchen door flung open.

In the doorway, was Remus Lupin, Arden's favourite Hogwarts teacher. She remembered the event where she was told he wouldn't be teaching anymore, and how she almost burst into tears.

"Ah! Good morning Arden! I forgot you would be here." Remus smiled. He examined Arden, and his smile washed away as he noticed at how unwell she looked. "Are you holding up alright? I'm very sorry about what happened to you." He said with sympathy.

Arden nodded. Remus put a hand on her shoulder reassuringly, and pulled out a bar of chocolate from his pocket. "Here, you look like you need this." Arden took the chocolate and thanked him, then he immediately disapparated out of the building.

Arden tiptoed into the kitchen whilst gnawing on her bar of chocolate. A large group of people were gathered at the table, all standing up and getting ready to leave.

"Arden! Ah good, I see Remus has given you something to eat." Molly chirped. "Come come, you can be the first for breakfast." Molly beckoned Arden towards the table and pulled out a chair for her.

Arden looked at the people she was sitting with at the table. Arthur Weasley gave her a heartwarming smile as she looked around.

"How have you been, sweetheart?" He asked.

Arden shrugged. "Alright I suppose."

"You excited for school?"


Arthur chuckled. "I don't blame you, it's going to be a big year this year." He then put all of his attention to the Daily Prophet.

The sweet scent of bacon filled the room, making Arden's stomach growl. The stairs in the main hall started to creak, meaning that someone was coming down the stairs.

Surely enough, Fred and George both came down together with grins on their faces.

"Morning mum!" They both chirped in unison. Molly turned and looked at them uncertainly.

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