Chapter Fourty Two

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The Inquisitorial Squad

Arden held her wand loosely as she used it to conjure her Patronus. The magnificent creature formed from the silver wisps emitted from Arden's wand, and soared around the room.

Hermione smiled as she examined the Patronus. "It's stunning." She praised. Arden's mouth slowly curved into a smile as she stared at her Patronus.'I wonder if Cedric would have had something as beautiful as this?' she wondered.

"Who would've thought that I would have this as a Patronus." Arden laughed. The comment made a cocky smirk form on Hermione's face.

"I predicted something of the sorts, Arden Malfoy." Hermione teased, as she lowered her voice into a whisper making sure Harry Potter didn't hear those two names paired together. Arden's jaw dropped, and she immediately put her wand away and playfully punched Hermione's shoulder.

"You are ridiculous!" Arden couldn't help but laugh, she knew that Hermione was brilliant and most likely predicted her Patronus, but to pair her name with Draco's surname... it sparked something.

"What? People's Patronuses change depending on love you know." Hermione replied in a matter of fact tone.

Arden rolled her eyes. "Enough of that 'Mione, can we go eat lunch now? I'm starved." Hermione shrugged her shoulders as they left the room of requirement early.

A tingling sensation formed in Arden's abdomen as she remembered Hermione's words.

Arden Malfoy.

Arden wasn't fond of fantasizing about weddings or domestic life at her age. She often would before she came to Hogwarts, she'd even choose out her own baby names, but with everything that's going on in her life, Arden thought it was silly to think about marriage at age 15.

She didn't want to be that girl who would write 'Mrs Arden Malfoy' all over her schoolwork, but that didn't stop her from grinning as she let it replay through her head over and over.


Draco Malfoy laid on a couch in the Slytherin common room with his arms behind his head. His feet dangled over the opposite end since the sofa wasn't long enough for his tall figure.

He shivered has a cold breeze blew over his slightly exposed abdomen. His white button up shirt was un-tucked, and the buttons at the bottom were messily undone, exposing his lower stomach lightly.

With his Slytherin tie loose around his neck, his careless effort in looking presentable, his messy hair and comfortable position, some would assume that Draco was relaxed, and at ease.

But in actuality, he was bored out of his mind. Arden was at the library with Hermione again -or so Draco thought- which left him alone with nothing to do. At times when he was bored, Draco would resort to messing with his 'friends' Crabbe and Goyle. He referred to people he had a distaste for by their surnames, so he didn't feel like hanging around two idiots that he didn't even like.

Often when Arden was gone he would find amusement in bullying other students. He'd never do it if she were around, but sometimes Draco misses his old ways and enjoys being the nasty Slytherin he was before Arden.

Today however he didn't feel the motivation, in fact he was starting to get jealous of Granger for spending so much time with his girlfriend. He'd been wondering if Potter would be with them, despite Draco witnessing Arden declare her hatred for him; he still didn't trust Potter one bit, believing that he would still persist, and that Arden might give in.

But then Draco's boredom was about to go away as Pansy Parkinson rushed into the Slytherin common room.

"Draco! You have to come out at once!" She begged. She tried her hardest to avert her eyes away from his abdomen, but Draco noticed her sneaky glances, and got up to fix his shirt and tie.

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