Chapter Seventy Five

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It had been a month and a half since Rosalind was born, and there was still no word back from Lena or Draco. Arden assumed that perhaps Lena's father held her back, and that maybe she'd come back soon, she couldn't allow herself to assume the worst happened to Lena, she needed to stay positive.

Fred and George would come by often, dropping off new clothes that Molly had knitted for Rosalind, and magical toys that the two had worked on. Molly had accidentally knitted a onesie with the letter L on it rather than an R, due to Fred always calling Rosalind 'Lindy', Molly had become confused, thinking that Arden changed her mind about the name.

"She's got your eyes." Fred said in between making silly faces at Rosalind, trying to make her smile.

Arden giggled as a big grin spread across Rosalind's face, "and I think now she's got your sense of humour."

"The best thing she could possibly learn." Fred teased, not taking his eyes off the baby. "You continue my legacy at Hogwarts okay Lindy? Give em' hell."

There was a knock at the front door, and before Arden could even move a muscle to answer it, Fred jumped up and practically sprinted to the door. He opened it, and stood there were Harry, Ron and Hermione, who looked extremely tired, but their faces lit up as they saw Arden holding her daughter.

A collective 'awe' escaped the trio's lips as they tiptoed over to the couch Arden was sitting on, Ron being the one sitting on the floor in front of her to get the best look at Rosalind.

"Bloody hell, it's a mini Malfoy!" Ron joked. Hermione felt her cheeks grow warm from how hard she was smiling, and Harry felt the most peaceful he's ever felt over the past few months. 

Arden smiled, "her name's Rosalind-"

"Lindy for short!" Fred chimed.

Harry looked at the numerous baby photos above the fireplace, his eyes fell on a moving photo of Arden sleeping as an infant. "She looks just like you." He hummed.

"Yeah!" Ron exclaimed as Lindy held onto his thumb, "just ignore the blonde hair and it's like a baby Arden 2.0!"

"How'd you all know? Shouldn't you three be out saving the world or something?" Arden joked as she watched Ron play with Lindy.

"Oh just a little message sent from your Death Eater pal Lena." Hermione spat as she rolled her eyes, "her and her father tried to ambush us while we were at the Lovegoods." 

Arden's eyes widened, "when did that happen? Was it recently?" She asked quickly.

"Are you really not phased with the fact that Lena is a Death Eater!?" Hermione gasped.

Arden brushed off Hermione's overreacting, "yeah yeah I know big deal but when did she tell you?"Arden demanded.

"Earlier today, she came in acting friendly towards Luna's father. She saw us and told us that you had the kid and all. That's when her dad and a bunch of other Death Eaters came and started to attack." Harry said.

"I thought she was just saying that as a way for us to be distracted." Hermione brushed off, "but Harry insisted that we check on you, so here we are." 

"As much as I'm happy to see you three, I'd rather you not be here while You Know Who is hunting you guys down..." Arden sighed. The four sat in silence, only the occasional noise coming from Lindy. "So, was Lena acting... different?"

Ron shrugged, "she seemed like her perky self, looked a bit beaten up though-"

"What!?" Arden gasped, "what do you mean?"

"I-I don't know! She had a lot of bruises, seemed o be limping a bit." Ron said as he held is hands up in surrender.

"Her voice was shakey, that's what made me think she was tricking us when she mentioned you." Hermione sighed.

Arden held herself together, not wanting to be upset around Lindy. She had hoped that Lena was perhaps just acting in order to be safe, maybe they wouldn't let her go, and that she was still sucking up to them. But hearing that she was bruised, and limping caused more thoughts to swim through Arden's mind. She couldn't bare knowing that Lena, the girl who went to the extreme to protect her, was being beaten back at the manor.

Arden let out a shaken sigh, "God I hope she's okay..."


Alecto Carrow dragged Lena through the mansion by the collar of her shirt, struggling as Lena thrashed around, and her father begged for Alecto to stop.

"Carrow this wasn't her fault if she hadn't been there-"

"Then you would have gotten them!" Alecto boomed, "this rat bag gave them a head start! She should be executed."

Lena's father fell to his knees, "no please! It was just bad timing! Lovegood didn't give us enough time!"

Alecto rolled her eyes as she kept dragging Lena towards the cellar to be locked up again. "Whatever, she needs to go back down there anyway. She's not allowed to go outside anymore unless it's for missions."

Lena screamed as her collar began to tighten around her neck. It loosened once she was thrown into the cellar, where she had been locked up since she came back to Malfoy Manor. Lena glared up at Alecto, spitting on her shoes to show how much she hated her.

Alecto scoffed, "You've finally stopped shaking like a coward and the thing you do to show you're not afraid of the cellar anymore is spit on me? That's not going to help you out of here at all." She spat. 

Lena watched as Alecto walked up the steps, ready to close the door. She turned and looked down at Lena in disgust before closing the door. "Try not to scream too loud tonight, people have been complaining about their lack of sleep because of you."

The door slammed shut, and as Lena sat in the darkness alone, Lena screamed as loud as her lungs could let her. Not to be set free, but to make sure that none of the Death Eaters resting above her would be able to sleep knowing that she was there. 


I love Dan Howell, also Harry Styles' single has me SHooK

Anywayyy..... I'm sorry to say that this story is not far from the end. It's not going to be like next chapter or anything, but it's definitely coming up soon. There will be an epilogue and everything so don't worry children. There is a sequel, and I will post a chapter about all of the details regarding it once this is done.

I know it's a bit early to let all of you guys know this stuff but I mean it's just to get your hearts ready ya feel? Thank you so much for reading this story lmao, I promise the sequel will be better haha.

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