Chapter Thirty Two

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Defence Against The Dark Arts

~Lena Oxton~

Last night didn't go as planned. When the sorting hat put me into Hufflepuff, I couldn't wait to tell Blaise and Arden. I never thought that the Slytherin table would shoo me away like that, and I never thought the Hufflepuff table would try and do the same to Arden.

There were no house divisions at Durmstrang. Everyone was just together I suppose. I guess the house division method works so people can make friends with the same interest, but won't it be boring to have a friend who's the same as you? Why be a Ravenclaw and only have studious, reserved friends and not wild adventurous Gryffindor friends as well?

I'm very thankful for Arden helping me at dinner. She mostly just listened to me talk about life with my father, and how I've pranked Blaise a million times. She didn't seem all that interested, but at least she listened.

But I couldn't blame her, I read all about what happened earlier this year in the Daily Prophet. The press stalked her and told lies about her personal life, and on top of it, her brother was killed by You Know Who.

The whole You Know Who nonsense was rubbish also. No one will talk about him except for the Quibbler. Everyone denies his existence. Everyone makes Harry Potter look like a fool, even though he fought the Dark Lord himself.

It's strange how narrow minded so many people can be. People are so afraid of the  dark things in the world, that they completely refuse to believe it exists, thinking that makes it easier.

People need to think openly, consider everyone's feelings and opinions. Being open minded is definitely something Hogwarts needs to work on with their horrific house division.

Nevertheless I was absolutely stoked for today's classes. I had Defence Against the Dark Arts first thing! Taught by Dolores Umbridge. She works for the Ministry, my dad told me before I went to Hogwarts that she'd be working there, since he works at the Ministry, and knows practically everything about everyone.

I was impatiently waiting outside of the DADA classroom. I was only 10 minutes early, so maybe the class room will open soon.

A little while later I saw Arden and Draco walk towards the classroom hand in hand. Arden's skin was dull and grey, and she looked very ill. The way her dark eyes looked showed that she hadn't slept in weeks, yet somehow the smile on her face when she laughed with Draco disregarded all of her flaws, and made her look full of life.

I waved vigorously at the adorable couple, and beckoned them to wait with me. I saw Draco look at me in disgust. I felt my stomach churn, but I remembered my father's words: Not everyone will like you. As long as you are friendly to everyone whether they are nice to you or not, good things will come your way.

"Hey Arden, Draco!" I greeted. Arden smiled softly, and gripped onto Draco tighter.

"Hi Lena, did you make any new friends?" Arden asked tiredly. Well, did Arden count? If not then...

"No, not really. Everyone in the Hufflepuff dorms are so quiet. You'd think they'd be more like me." I sighed.

"They're a bunch of nutters in that house." Draco joked. Arden nudged him, and smiled at me like nothing was wrong.

I fake laughed, and did my playful punch on Draco, that wasn't really that playful. "Gosh Draco! Stop making me laugh!" Draco winced and rubbed the spot I hit him. "Anyway, what's Defence Against the Dark Arts like?" I asked.

"Well we've had different teachers every year. Most of the time it's fun though." Arden shrugged.

More students came to wait outside the classroom, then the very short teacher opened the door to let us all in.

Before walking in, I stopped in the doorway to greet the teacher. I've got to get on their good side no matter how much I dislike them.

"Good morning, professor!" I chirped. The professor smiled, and bid good morning back. She seems nice I suppose.

I sat at the very front desk in the room. Arden and Draco quickly shuffled to the desk at the far back.

I huffed. I suppose they don't want to sit near me, but that's fine, they're a cute couple so they deserve to sit with each other.

More students piled in the room and sat with their friends. I kept a smile on my face, to try and look welcoming, yet no one wanted to sit with me. I guess that's what you get for moving to a new school, where everyone is divided and makes friends only within their house in their first year...

Three Gryffindors filed into the room together. Harry Potter, a red haired boy and a girl with wild hair. I tried to hide my star struck look once I saw Harry Potter, the boy who lived!

Him and his friend sat down at their desk, and looked at the girl apologetically. She sighed and searched for an empty seat. I raised my hand and waved at her, I didn't want to sit alone.

The girl shrugged her shoulders and sat in the seat next to me.

I held out my hand for a handshake. "Hi, I'm Lena. Lena Oxton." I greeted. The girl was hesitant, but shook my hand.

"Hermione Granger..." she mumbled. "Are you new here?"

I nodded. Hermione looked less confused, then started to pay attention to the professor.

"O.W.L also knows as owls!" The professor said. She had written the Ordinary Wizarding Levels on the blackboard and was standing in front of the class room. "We will be preparing for the exams with book work, since you will not be needing your wand in the exam." With a flick of her wand, our text books flew onto our desks in front of each of us.

"Professor aren't we supposed to be using magic?" Harry Potter called out.

Umbridge stood up straighter, and stared at Harry. "Like I said, you won't be needing your wand Mr Potter." She argued.

"This is Defence Against the Dark Arts! Shouldn't you prepare us for what's out there?" Harry said, raising his voice. Professor Umbridge walked steadily to his desk, containing all of her anger inside.

"And who would want to harm young school children like you lot?" She questioned.

"I don't know? Maybe Lord Voldemort?" Harry snapped. I gasped, along with many others. I'd never heard someone as young as him be brave enough to speak his name.

Umbridge hid her boiling rage with a condescending smile. "He Who Must Not Be Named, is gone, Mr Potter." She began. "He's been defeated! He is not real."

"That's a load of rubbish!" Arden yelled from the back. "So who do you think killed my brother then? Huh?"

"Miss Diggory I am very sorry for your loss, but you brother's death was merely an accident." Umbridge's voice quivered.

"Bullshit!" Arden shouted.

"I saw Voldemort kill him right in front of me-"

"ENOUGH!" Umbridge' balance was unsteady and her breathing was heavy. Her short curls had become a mess from her pulling her hair. "Mr Potter, Miss Diggory. Detention." Umbridge said calmly. She strutted back to the front of the classroom.

"Right! Page one."


A lesson like that wasn't a warm welcome at all. Who would have thought that my first class would begin with a quarrel over You Know Who? Did Harry and Arden always talk back to teachers like that? And why was Umbridge so in denial of the Dark Lord's existence? Why did she disregard Harry and Arden's opinions because it didn't follow her own?

I need to tell my father, he'll make change. No more arguments about You Know Who. Hopefully no more house division.

Maybe if changes are made, I can have some real friends...


An introduction to Lena! You can see that she's just an innocent little angel who doesn't want to hurt anyone. No secret evil plans. But her dad has high power in the ministry, which means anything could happen to Hogwarts.

Next chapter will be back into Arden's view, I just wanted to write as probably my favourite character in this story. And Drarden will rise again I promise


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