Chapter Sixty Nine

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The Burrow

Luna would often come home later than expected when she went on her usual evening walks. Xenophilius and Lena were both worried about her doing this, but in the end, Arden told them that as long as she came back, there was nothing to worry about.

However she comes home later and later each day, sometimes not back until the next morning. Xenophilius has resulted to keeping her inside instead, and not letting her go beyond eyesight.

Not much goes on in the life of a pregnant teenager as one would expect. Arden would only stay home, read her Potions text books and play with charms. Occasionally her, Lena and Luna would go on a walk together, but it was mostly resting for Arden.

Draco however got next to no rest. He was deprived of sleep, too afraid that Voldemort would break into his thoughts while dreaming. He had no contact with anyone his own age, only the occasional dreaded small talk with Pansy Parkinson who would sometimes come over when her father did.

Arden kept in contact with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Her and Harry finally became good friends again, no more tension, no more toxicity between them.

Arden placed her hand over her slightly bigger tummy as her and Lena walked up to the front door of Ron's house. Arden specifically wore looser clothing to attract less attention from the adults there, but she'd have to tell Harry, Ron and Hermione while she could.

"I do hope Harry's cake tastes good." Lena sighed, "he seems like the type of person who would have a boring vanilla cake... I hope that's not true."

Arden shrugged, "Cake is cake."

Molly Weasley opened the door, welcoming the two girls in. She greeted them both with individual hugs. Upon feeling an odd bump when she hugged Arden, Molly looked at her oddly, but she decided not to pry.

"Wonderful that you two could make it, is Luna going to be coming tomorrow?"

Lena nodded, "yeah, her and Xenophilius are coming to the wedding." Molly grinned and lead the two girls to the living area where most of the guests were.

"I'm terribly sorry, but I don't think we've met before. I'm Molly Weasley." Molly introduced, referring to Lena.

"Oh, I'm Lena Oxton." She replied.

Remus and Tonks looked at Lena suspiciously, knowing of her surname's origins.

"Oxton? That's definitely a surname I've heard at the Ministry..." Remus said slyly. Lena looked at him fearfully, wondering if he suspected her to be a Death Eater sympathiser because of her father.

Lena's lips trembled as she lied to everyone in the room, "oh, n-no I'm a muggle-born..." She hesitated. Remus looked at her skeptically, until Mrs Weasley stepped in.

"She's just a girl, now let these two go up and talk to their friends!" She urged. Mrs Weasley ushered the girls up the stairs, directing them to Ron's room.

Lena, being the overly cautious friend, made Arden walk up the stairs first, holding out her arms in case she were to fall back.

"I'm fine Lena, you don't have to-" missing a step, Arden fumbled slightly as she was walking up the stairs. Lena gasped and held out her arms, but Arden only laughed. "They're just stairs, that was just a slip up, I'm fine."

"If you say so." Lena shrugged.

Opening the door to Ron's room, Hermione got up and almost threw herself onto Arden, bringing her into a tight embrace. Luna acted almost like a body guard and gently separated Hermiome from Arden, worrying that Hermione hurt the child.

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