Chapter Twenty Four

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~Arden Diggory~

"Pansy?" I whispered. She turned around hopefully, noticing it was me her glassy eyes looked at the ground. 

"Oh, it's you..." She mumbled. "You're probably the last person I'd like to see right now honestly..."

I stepped closer to her. "Why?" I asked. Oh Arden you idiot, of course you know why!

Pansy scoffed. "You and Draco, suddenly together... It's not fair..." She started sobbing again, and quickly wiped her tears off of her cheeks. "I just didn't see it coming..." Pansy kept crying. I didn't know what to do. Pansy was a nasty girl, but seeing her have these emotions, it was strange. I sat down next to her, surprised that she didn't push me away.

Then again, this girl hates me. She's been the rudest to me for so long. Why should I help her? Why am I even trying to find out if she's okay? I should just leave her alone, and not make her hate me even more.

"Who am I kidding." She said, interrupting my thoughts. "Of course I saw it coming. Why wouldn't he fall for you, I knew he liked you for so long..." She cried. I felt my heart shatter, I'm seeing a whole different side of her. Her voice was breaking "But I've liked him for so long as well..." She mumbled. I had total mixed feelings about this. A part of me wanted to slap her across the face and tell her to suck it up, since Draco is mine now, but the other part of me wanted to comfort her somehow.

"Pansy..." I started.

"I don't need your pity. If you're going to try and apologise it's not going to help, you're still going to be with him anyway. I can't make you break up with him just because I'm being a crybaby over this." What was I supposed to do in this situation? I decided to leave her alone, she's probably got enough issues already, she doesn't need me trying to help. 

Returning to the common room, I noticed Draco stayed instead of going to his dorms. He was sitting alone in an armchair by the fire, concentrating on a piece of parchment. on the floor in front of him was an envelope. He was reading a letter, most likely from his family. 

He looked almost scared. Was it about us? It couldn't be, Draco isn't scared of his parents. As I stepped closer, a floorboard creaked, making his gaze shoot up at me. 

"Oh, hey I thought you were off to bed." He said startled.

"I was, but Pansy's up there crying, I didn't really want to bother her I guess." Draco laughed and rolled his eyes.

"She's a strange one. Earlier today I thought she was crying, but she just ran off. Bit out of the ordinary for her, she usually enjoys my company." He smirked.

"That's why she's crying, it's because of us."

Draco scoffed. "Oh Arden, please don't tell me you're going to reconsider us because of a crying Pansy." Draco put the letter away and got up from the chair. "She's just jealous, she'll get over it."

"I wasn't going to say that anyway, It's just not nice knowing that you're the reason someone's crying." I mumbled. 

"I think it's a bit hilarious really. You'd have to be weak to cry over someone, especially if it's as small as the person you like likes someone else." Draco said. "If there comes a day that I cry over a person, then that's the day I lose everything." 

"What if your mum dies, would you cry?" I asked. Draco looked up at the ceiling in thought. 

"Well, I'm crying over the death of someone, that doesn't count." Draco defended.

"Still crying over a person." I teased. I playfully punched Draco's shoulder as he laughed.

"Fair point. Well, if my mother dies that would be the day I lose everything, since she is the woman who birthed me and loves me more than anyone." He said. I smiled. 

"That's adorable." I teased. Draco's cheeks went pink, as he held onto my hands. 

"Shush, a guy like me can have a soft side okay. Anyway, she may be the number one woman in my life, but I know someone who's at a very close second." He smirked, then kissed the back of my hands. 

I giggled. "Draco, calm down we're not married." I teased.

"Well, not yet." He winked. I started grinning. We were only so young, would that really work out? Oh Arden who cares! Live in the moment! 

I suddenly remembered the letter he was reading, and how he looked worried. I could see a part of the parchment sticking out of his pocket.

"Draco, what's that?" I asked, looking at the letter. Draco let go of my hands and shoved the letter further in my pockets.

"Nothing, just family stuff-"

"It doesn't have anything to do with me, does it?" I asked worriedly. Draco put his hand on my cheek and looked at me with loving eyes. His hands were ice cold. Goosebumps appeared all over my arms as his cold touch contrasted with my burning hot cheeks. 

"It doesn't mention you, but it could have something to do with you eventually." He sighed. I opened my mouth to speak, but Draco used his other hand to silence me with his index finger. "It's fine, I'll tell you sooner or later. I can't say it now, who knows if anyone's listening." He said.

"What does it have to do with?" I asked.

"Just future family tradition I guess, giving me a heads up. Don't fret Arden, it's going to be fine." He assured. I nodded and turned to go back to my dorm. Draco quickly grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me back to him. His hands moved to my waist, and pulled me closer to him.

"Hey, don't go anywhere without one of these." He smirked. He leaned in and our lips met. I giggled into the kiss as he pulled me closer to him. I pulled away and smiled.

"Draco, calm down. You'll see me tomorrow." I teased. Draco moved one of his hands from my waist and ran it through my hair, playing with the tight ringlets.

"That's too long for me." He leaned in and kissed me again. After a few moments of soft, warm kisses, I pulled away. 

"Alright Draco, goodnight." I laughed. He let go of me and smiled.

"Goodnight, love." I turned around and started to walk up the stairs to my dorm, hoping that Pansy had calmed down or at least has fallen asleep by now. I looked back to Draco and saw his back facing me. He was leaning over, re reading the letter. He muttered something, I couldn't clearly make it out, but I could definitely hear 5 words that made my stomach feel uneasy.

"I'll be one of them."


I've risen from the dead. Here's a (sort of) filler for you that has cute drarden? ardaco? whatever lol.

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