Chapter Seventy

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Bill and Fleur's Wedding

Harry's birthday dinner was a lot more extravagant than Arden had expected. Fred and George both bewitched lanterns to have 17 on them, while Mrs Weasley went all out with the cake, making it look like a huge snitch.

Arden was happy to see Fred and George again, she was one of the few people who ever bothered to tell the two apart, which was why she never fell victim to their pranks. She spent a few minutes tearing up over George losing his left ear. Her tears were caused by her hormones, but that didn't mean she wasn't worried about him. She eventually cheered up after George made a terrible 'holy' joke about his missing ear.

What was the shock of the night however was Harry accidentally revealing his plans to hunt down the Horcruxes that Voldemort had created rather than attending his final year at school. Ron and Hermione were joining him on his journey, which definitely caused Mrs Weasley to cause a scene.

She asked Arden and Lena if they were going back to Hogwarts, but they both denied that they were. Of course Lena couldn't say 'I'm aren't going because Arden Diggory is pregnant and I'm going to support her through it' so instead, Arden said that it was unsafe there since Dumbledore is gone. About all of the adults agreed with them on their decision without questioning if it was a lie.

The next day was the 1st of August, the day that Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour would marry. Arden and Lena knew neither bride or groom at all, but Fleur invited Arden because of her relation to Cedric, who was kind to her and assisted her before the second task of the Triwizard Tournament.

Arden carefully tiptoed her way into the kitchen to try and sneakily take a biscuit from the jar that the Weasley's keep on the counter. Molly always encourages her to help herself, but she still felt somewhat guilty for always taking them.

Arden stopped when she saw Harry and Ginny kissing in the living area.

"Oh!" Arden gasped, unable to contain the embarrassment she felt for walking in on them. The two of them instantly pulled apart and stared at the ground awkwardly. "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry, don't mind me I'll go-"

"Oh no it's fine-" Harry tried.

"No no it's cool you too keep doing your thing I'll just-" before Arden could cause anymore awkwardness, she fled the house entirely and stepped outside to assist Lena in setting up the wedding tent.

She stood by her awkwardly, not wanting to look back in the direction of the kitchen window. "Well I want to die." Arden sighed.

Lena snapped her eyes to Arden, looking at her wide eyed. "What why?"

"I just walked in on Harry and Ginny kissing, I feel so terrible it was so awkward." Arden cringed.

Lena couldn't help but squeak in delight at the thought. "Those too are so cute, you're lucky you were blessed to witness that."

Arden sighed as she pulled out her wand, adding to the magical strength that brought the tent up in no time.

An hour or so passed by and a large number of guests began to arrive. Arden and Lena both took their seats on one side of the aisle as more people did so also.

"Weddings are pretty cool, too bad I'll probably never have one." Lena sighed.

Arden raised an eyebrow, "why do you say that?" She asked.

"It's not even legal." Lena laughed, "isn't that hilarious, someone not being allowed to marry another-"

"Lena wizards have a completely different form of government than Muggles do, you could get married to whoever you want and the only thing people will care about are their blood purity, not their gender." Arden interrupted.

Lena shrugged, "never thought of that... are you and Draco going to get married? You know, since his child growing inside of you and all..."

"I'd rather wait until this whole war thing ends, you know when I'll actually see him..." Arden sighed.


Arden sat at a table with a bunch of people she didn't know at the reception. The whole ceremony, she felt envious of Bill and Fleur and what they had, the fact that they were together, both able to give each other the love and dedication they needed.

She thought it was a beautiful ceremony, and she was incredibly happy for the newly weds, but that didn't stop her from tearing up because this was what she wanted so dearly. She didn't even want marriage so to speak, she just wanted to speak to Draco.

"You don't look like you're having fun." A voice asked. Arden looked up and saw Harry, who was taking a seat right beside her. He sighed in frustration, clearly showing that he wasn't having a good time either.

"Could say the same about you," Arden joked.

Harry shrugged, "well weddings are pretty nice when you don't have to think about hunting down inanimate objects."

"Can't relate, I'm just sitting here, jealous of the bride." Arden sighed as she watched Bill and Fleur kiss after a dance together.

Harry noted Arden's envy as she noticed a glare form on her face. "I really don't think I'll ever get to talk to him myself, but if I do I'll let him know that you're alright."

Arden sighed, "I don't doubt it, I just want to be the one to do it."

The two eventually moved on from the upsetting talk, and started joking about some of the ridiculous dancers at the wedding. Lena and Luna included, although their silly dance moves together made it look like an art form.

When out of nowhere, a whistling white light appeared in the centre of the tent. A patronus of some sort, but Arden couldn't quite make it out.

"The ministry has fallen. Scrimgour is dead. They are coming." It spoke.

Chaos immediately broke loose at the reception. Harry grabbed a hold of Arden as he searched for someone who could get her out safely as the Death Eaters started to invade.

"Harry! You have to get out of here now!" Arden cried as she saw the hooded figures attack.

"But you're-"

"Already in danger by being next to you! Get out of here before they see you!" Arden interrupted. Harry nodded, giving her a reassuring expression, telling her to be safe with his eyes.

Arden frantically looked around for Lena, wondering how she could disappear from the dance floor in seconds.

Fred found Arden and held onto her as he tried to get her and Ginny back to the burrow. Arden tried to break free and look for Lena, but Fred was persistent.

Arden frantically looked around at the chaos. A fire had begun due to the attacking spells being thrown left and right. The Death Eaters were ruthless and didn't hesitate to use unforgivable curses as they controlled the ministry.

"Arden!" Lena's thick posh voice screamed. Arden broke away from Fred to try and find her. Before she could grab onto Lena's hand, a man with the same brown eyes, and similar pale, freckled complexion had taken ahold of her, disapparating before Arden could stop him. Arden stood shocked before she quickly fled the tent back to Fred.

Lena was taken by her own father, in hopes to convince her, or even force her to join the Death Eaters.



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