Chapter Thirty

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12 Grimmauld Place


September the 1st was just a few hours away, and Arden Diggory could not be more unhappy. As the days counted down to August 31, she felt her energy and motivation deteriorating at a fast pace.

Over summer she questioned if Hogwarts was necessary. Jobs were hard to find after school, and she didn't even know what job she wanted. She didn't want to work for the Ministry, aka the people refuse to believe the man that killed Cedric is alive.

Arden's bubbly personality was non existent, and her niceness was nowhere to be found. She found herself becoming more bitter and rude as time went on.

Her parents have almost forgotten who she was. Depression had taken over the household and enslaved the Diggory family. Mr Diggory would work constantly, trying to distract himself from the pain he didn't want to feel.

Mrs Diggory would sit in the lounge room and stare blankly at walls. Arden never left her room, not even for meals. Only sometimes would Mrs Diggory come knocking on Arden's door begging her to join her for dinner so she could be less lonely. Instead she would have to leave the plate and glass of water outside, where Arden would wait to hear her footsteps then grab the food and scoff it down.

Arden' clean and beautiful appearance was now sickly. Her beautiful pale skin was now dull, with a grey tint instead of her natural pink tint. Her rosy cheeks were gone, replaced with white. Her beautiful silver eyes were tired, and the dark circles around them were too distracting to focus on the beauty of her irises.

Her athletic figure was gone, instead she was terribly skinny. The lack of food she had been eating had caused weight loss that had affected her energy and fitness tragically. Arden's soft chocolate curls were no longer soft and voluminous, but rough and dead.

Arden hadn't had a good nights sleep for months as her dark circles suggest. Every night she would roll around in her bed, mumbling and whispering Cedric's name in her sleep. She has nightmares of being in the graveyard with Harry, and watching Lord Voldemort kill her brother.

The flash of the green light wakes her every night, but not this time.

It was around midnight, and 4 rhythmic knocks sounded on her door. Arden sprung to life from her sleep, recognising those knocks are from her brother. She was still in denial that he was dead, despite the tears that fall and the numerous nightmares she deals with.

Arden looked around her dark room, dimly lit by the moonlight and sighed. She remembered that Cedric was gone. Her excited attitude washed away as she lazily shuffled towards the door. The same knocking pattern was heard but a little more aggressively.

"I'm coming!" Arden snapped. She opened the door, and shielded her eyes from the white light emitted from a wand. Two wizards walked into her room and started gathering her things. Before she could protest, a pair of strong arms embraced Arden.

Taken aback from the sudden affection, she almost fell over. The figure buried their face in the crook of Arden's neck. It wasn't until she felt the cold glasses against her skin that she knew who it was.

"Harry?" She asked. "What are you doing here?" Harry let go of her and examined her face. He winced, thinking about how she's not been taking care of herself.

"We're taking you to headquarters." A female voice said. A woman with spikey purple hair turned and faced Arden. She dimmed the light coming from her wand so Arden didn't have to squint. "I'm Tonks. I hope you don't mind, we're just packing your trunk for you." Arden nodded.

"I bought this years books for you. They're all back at headquarters." Harry said.

"Oh Harry, I could have gotten them it's fine-"

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