Chapter Sixty Six

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Hogwarts still had to go on as normal, but it was hard  not to knowing that Lord Voldemort himself has risen again, killing their headmaster.

Some parents pulled their younger students out of Hogwarts, fearing that they were unsafe there, while most of the older students stayed behind to finish their final exams.

Arden Diggory sat at her desk, alone. Draco hadn't been at Hogwarts since the night of Dumbledore's death.

She knew that what Draco was going to do was something that he wasn't doing by choice, but by order. If he didn't do it, then he'd be killed. Arden couldn't help but feel that now that he's done it, that Draco wouldn't be the same. Perhaps now Voldemort will trust him more, making him do worse things; perhaps Voldemort will kill Draco anyway just because he could.

All that she hoped for was that Draco was safe, and unharmed. Yes, he killed Albus Dumbledore, but did it matter who had killed him if the Dark Lord was planning his death anyway?

She squirmed in her seat as she felt the recurring sickness she felt in her abdomen almost everyday now. It would mostly happen around this time, during her first class of the day.

Arden brushed it off as the guilt of blasting the Death Eater into smithereens, she never planned to kill, mainly just seriously injure. But she thought maybe it wasn't the guilt, since the man tried to kill her twice, but it was the sight of his insides exploding in front of her.

Little did she know, that her sickness was the sign of an infant growing inside of her.

Arden cringed and leaned forward as the nauseating feeling grew stronger. Her arm shook as she raised it, alerting Professor Flitwick instantly.

"Miss Diggory? Are you alright?" He asked.

Arden shook her head. "Could I be excused?" She asked. Flitwick nodded, and Arden took off out of the class to the nearest bathroom.

Lena raised an eyebrow as she watched Arden leave. She had been sick in the morning for a few weeks now, it was becoming incredibly obvious to her as to what was happening.

Arden sobbed as she grabbed tissue and cleaned the edges of her mouth. She took deep breaths as she leaned against the cubicle, staring up into the ceiling, wondering why she was cursed with such pain.

A few moments later, Arden quickly fixed herself up as she heard footsteps in the bathroom. She dusted off her clothes as she stood and flushed the toilet before leaving the cubicle.

"You've been sick a lot lately." A posh voice stated. Lena had followed Arden, telling Flitwick that she'd help Arden while she's sick.

Arden sighed. "Yeah, it's fine though, should clear up-"

"You've been sick for 2 weeks Arden, always during first period." Lena stepped forward and lowered her voice. "How late are you?" She muttered.

Arden tried to remember the last time mother nature brought it's recurring curse on her. She couldn't remember, telling her that it was a long time ago. Arden shrugged, causing Lena's eyes to widen. "My god... you really are-"

Arden raised eyebrow. "Really what?" She asked. She too had thought of the possibility, but she pushed it far back in her mind, not daring to think of it happening. She hoped Lena would tell her something else, but she didn't.

Lena averted her eyes down to Arden's stomach. "You're-"

"No." Arden whispered. "No no no no!" Arden slammed her fist against one of the cubical doors. She wasn't going to allow this to be the reason for her pain, even though it was definitely the cause. "Fuck!"

"Erm..." Lena hesitated. " Deletus Fetus?"

Arden looked at her with maniacal eyes, her teeth gritted together as she felt utter anger flow through her. "Okay okay I guess not-"

"What am I going to do?" Arden whined. "My parents are going to kill me, I have nowhere to go! Not to mention Draco's long gone..."

As Arden began to burst into tears, fall to her knees and bang her fist against the bathroom tiles, Lena knelt down beside her, pulling her chin up to lock eye contact.

"Arden whatever your middle name is Diggory." She began sternly. "I'm not going to sit here and watch you cry about this. It's too late to Deletus Fetus your way out of this, so you're going to suck it up and have this child."

Arden shook her head. "N-no... I'm only 16, I'm too young for this! I'm not ready! Bloody hell..."

"I don't have a place to go either, Arden. You and I can find somewhere, wait out this whole war, wait for Draco-"

"I didn't want to just wait around during this war! Voldemort is the reason my brother is dead, I want to help in any way that I can to make sure that Cedric receives the justice he deserves."

Lena gently rubbed her back in a comforting manner. "Arden you're not going to be running around on the battlefield with a bulging tummy while killing curses are thrown left and right."

Arden nodded. "I guess." She agreed. "But where would we go? If you and I don't have a place to go to then how can we stay safe?"

"Maybe we can stay with the Lovegoods." Lena suggested. "They're not wanted by the Dark Lord, it should be safe."

Arden sighed. "I'll take your word for it, the Lovegoods it will be."

Arden and Lena both left the bathroom and returned to Charms. Arden felt like a completely different person, and she was not ready to face these next nine months without Draco Malfoy by her side.


I'm sorry this was short, but there wasn't much else to add.

I know, give me shit for adding the typical teen pregnancy trope in this that you all probably expected. I didn't want to add it, but I imagined a scene so emotional that I had to do it.

A/N 06/07/17: honestly, everyone all salty because 'should've used a condom wow this is so dumb" bitch imagine you're a 16 year old pure blood wizard, NO INTERNET access, no access to muggle books, and you go to a school where there is no sex ed... Do you think you'd even know what a condom even is? Don't say 'lol yes I would teehee' get ur ass outta here no you wouldn't. The 90s were also a time where there were lots of teens having a tonne of unprotected sex, causing a spike in teen pregnancy and an AIDS epidemic, so it's not uncommon for even a muggle teenager in this time period to do this.

If you're unhappy with it, then feel free to click away, no one is forcing you to continue the story. If you'd like to hang on, then great! It's your choice, but don't criticise me for a choice I make with my own writing.

Toodleoo 👋🏻

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