Chapter Nineteen

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~Arden Diggory~

Pansy stood there with her wand pointed at me. Draco and I looked at her horrified. He held up his wand in defence, but Pansy was too quick with her incantation.

"Avada kedavra!"


"Get up you lazy bum!" Astoria yelled. She was beating me with a pillow. I was in bed, wearing a tank top, not a unicorn sweater. My hair wasn't braided, and I had just woken up after being killed... It was a dream.

"What time is it?" I asked tiredly, covering my eyes from the sun shining into the room.

"Time for you to get the hell up! Classes start in 10 minutes." Astoria said. She rushed out of the room, going to her class. I sat up and groaned. It was a dream? Seriously? It felt so real, all the thoughts, the things that happened...

Who am I kidding, of course Draco wouldn't ask that question. He and I both know what will happen, and we don't want to take the risk. I got dressed and quickly left with my things, leaving my curly hair as a mess as I ran out of the dormitory.

As I walked out of the dungeon, I looked at my timetable. History of Magic first -how brilliant-. It took me what seemed like forever to finally reach the room, where most of the students were already inside. I quickly hurried into the room and sat next to Hermione.

"You're usually early, what happened?" She asked.

"Just slept in a little." I brushed off. Hermione nodded and opened her notebook.

"Ron and Harry asked about you last night." She said.

"What did they say?" I asked. I haven't talked to Harry or Ron since the ball. I've thought it'd be a little awkward talking to Harry after he asked me to be his girlfriend, but I have been a bit caught up with Draco...

"They're annoyed that you aren't talking to them, and that you're talking to Malfoy instead. It's stupid really, I can understand why they're annoyed, but they don't need to bring him into this." Hermione looked in Draco's direction. He was sitting next to Pansy, who had her face resting in her hands, while looking at him with admiration.

"Well, he is part of it I guess... I keep getting distracted by him, I had a dream he asked us to be official, but I don't think it'll happen. The fact I had a dream about it though obviously means I want it, but-"

"You can't! Do you know how much drama you two would cause? Your fathers would be at each other's necks, Cedric would be watching your back non stop, and Harry..." Hermione sighed, practically finishing my sentence for me.

"I know 'Mione, but I can't help how I feel about him..." I mumbled. Across the room I saw Harry studying us. I quickly looked away from him and leaned closer to Hermione.

"Do you think Harry can hear us?" I whispered. Hermione and I looked over at Harry, who still studied us even if we were studying him right back. Hermione looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. Professor Binns glided his ghost self into the room and started the lesson.

As usual, it was as entertaining as waiting for grass to grow. I found myself looking over at Draco every so often during the lesson, wondering if he thought about me, or if he wants to be with me. Hermione would have to snap my attention back to the lecturing ghost at least every ten minutes because of this.

The lesson ended, and everyone quickly hurried out of the room to their next class. Hermione and I made our way to our next class Defence Against the Dark Arts, which we both seemed to particularly dislike this year. Waiting outside the room, Draco walked up to me and smiled.

"Hey Arden." He greeted. He looked at Hermione and nodded. "Hello Granger." He said politely with slight rudeness.

Hermione nodded in return. "Good morning Malfoy." She said in the same tone. Hermione saw Harry and Ron and quickly walked over to them. She looked back at me as she left and winked, making me roll my eyes.

"What was that?" Draco asked.

"Just an inside joke." I said. Draco nodded and leaned on the wall we were standing at.

"Defence Against the Dark Arts is ridiculous. Durmstrang takes a far more sensible line than Hogwarts about the Dark Arts. Durmstrang students actually learn them, not just the defence rubbish we do." He sighed.

"So you take a fancy in the Dark Arts?" I questioned.

"My father collects dark artefacts. My aunt happens to be in Azkaban because of dark magic, and my father does push his Dark Arts interests onto me. It'd be surprising if I were against it." He laughed. I laughed too, but with a hint of nervousness. Draco interested in the Dark Arts? An aunt in Azkaban? I could be over paranoid, but generally someone against learning defence and is all for learning dark magic, I don't think it's abnormal to be a bit worried. Draco could become a dark wizard, or even become one of his followers. No, what are you thinking Aden? Draco won't go down that path.

"Who's your aunt?" I asked.

"I'd tell you, but odds are you know what she's done..." He muttered. I nodded and dropped the subject.

"So Draco, we're friends right?" I asked. Draco looked down at me in confusion.

"I think we're probably a bit more than just friends, Arden." He said. His eyes widened realising what he said. "N-not in that way..." Then, Draco's worried looked wiped away and was replaced with a smirk. "Unless you really want it to be that way..."

"Draco, you know why we can't." I said, looking over at Harry, Ron and Hermione, who were all staring at us. Harry looked like he was plotting Draco's murder, Ron looked completely dazed, and Hermione had a huge smile on her face.

"Come on, I know Granger would probably love it, look at the idiotic grin on her face. Plus Weasel probably doesn't even know what happens around him anymore, looks like he took a bludger to the head." He laughed.

"But see Harry's face? He'll probably-"

"He'll what? Fight me?" Draco scoffed. "Who cares about Potter, his jealousy just makes me want you to be mine even more." Draco looked at Harry in the eyes, and put his arm around my waist. He leaned down to my ear and whispered, not taking his eyes of Harry. "Watch the fun, Arden."

Draco pulled me closer to him by my waist, making me gasp from the quick pull. I smiled, but looked over at Harry worryingly, hoping he wouldn't do anything. Harry's fists were clenched. Ron was holding onto his shoulders, making sure Harry didn't sprint over here. Draco made me face him, then leaned back down, softly brushing his lips over my earlobe. I felt tingles shoot through my neck as his cold minty breath hit it. "Come on Arden, we could have so much fun with this. I know you want to be with me, and I know I want to be with you. What do you say, let's have fun messing with everyone while having fun being together." He whispered ever so softly.

I felt my body stiffen. He had both of his hands on my waist. He glanced over at Harry then slowly slid them down to my hips. I gasped, making Draco grin. "Is that a yes, dear?" I almost tripped. My legs felt like jelly from hearing those words. Never did I think I'd hear Draco call me dear, not at all. I looked up into his steel grey eyes and nodded. Draco looked back over at Harry. His eyes had hints of malevolence as he grinned at him.

"Jealous, Potter!?" He yelled out. Draco looked back at me then quickly kissed me. He slid his hands back up to my waist to pull me closer. I couldn't help up smile and wrap my arms around his neck. Goodness, I've missed his kisses. It was almost like Harry wasn't there anymore, I didn't care if he saw, this was about me and Draco.

I heard a shout, then Draco was pulled off of me. I opened my eyes and saw him on the ground, clutching his stomach. I looked over at Harry who was pointing his wand down at Draco. He ran over and kept it pointed at him.

Oh dear...

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