Gotham Junior High

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Despite Edward having prepared her for high school, Alyssa was by no means eager to leave. She always looked forward to the summer, especially July when the circus came to town and she could go to see Jerome. But this was her last year at Gotham Junior High, and despite how she had said she'd hated it, Alyssa had to admit she was said to see her time there end.

While Oswald – who she and Edward had both grown close to – would continue at Gotham Academy, she and Edward would be trading up to Gotham High: the local public school.

This meant bigger classes, new teachers, and a new principal. Alyssa had to admit, she would miss Hamish Johnson.

"Knock knock." she tapped on the door frame a week before school was over for the summer.

"Alyssa Connors? Knocking?" he raised an eyebrow. "I never thought I'd see the day. What have you got planned?"

"Nothing, Hamish." she shook her head. "I just...wanted to talk to you."

Looking surprised, the principal gestured to the chair in front of his desk. "By all means."

Alyssa Connors had sat in this chair a million times. She usually sat sideways or kicked her feet up onto the desk, but for once she sat down properly, resting her hands on her knees.

"Why are you here Ms. Connors?"

Alyssa bit her lip. "...Thanks to the tutor you assigned me, I'm now smart enough to know that...with all the trouble I've caused, any other principal would have expelled me a long time ago. So, I wanted to thank you."

"Well, you're a very bright individual, Ms. Connors." Mr. Johnson smiled slightly. "It would have been a waste to expel you. And since we are so close to the end of the year, I admit I found many of your antics rather humorous."

Alyssa smiled. "I knew I saw you laughing when I glued Mrs. Kenny's desk to the ceiling!"

He chuckled. "Yes, her face was so red I was certain she would pop."

"Right?" Alyssa laughed. "But really Hamish, I'll miss you."

"And I you." the man smiled fondly. "I expect great things from you, Ms. Connors. Very great things."

"No pressure then."

"I mean it. You're very clever, and if you use your skills and talents for good instead of evil...well I believe the world would be a better place for it."


Edward and Alyssa were laying on the roof of the school, watching the clouds roll by overhead. They were ditching study hall, which was the only class Edward still allowed Alyssa to skip.

"We did pretty well here." Edward remark softly.

"Yeah we did." Alyssa nodded. "But I think we did better once we got together."

After a moment of silence, she tore her eyes from the clouds to look at her friend. "Eddie?"


"Thanks for helping me pass my classes."

"Thank you for teaching me how to have fun."

"Ah, you knew how to do that all ready." she looked back at the clouds. "I just showed you a different way."

"No." Edward sat up, pulling Alyssa up with him. " life is so much better for having you in it. I need you to know that." he chuckled and pushed his glasses up with his free hand. "I was just a nerd. Book smarts isn't any good on its own, I know that now. It was you that took me from ordinary to extraordinary. So thank you for that, Alyssa Connors. Thank you for making me feel extraordinary."

Alyssa gave him an odd look for a moment before she smiled softly. "Thank you for exactly the same, Edward Nygma."

Edward grinned and looked up at the clouds, ever present in the Gotham sky. "I for one can't wait to see what happens next. I sincerely hope its good."

"...Promise me we'll always be together?" Alyssa looked to him.

His eyes drew downwards almost in surprise. "Of course. I'm here as long as you'll have me."

She smiled, squeezed his hand, and laid back down, staring up at the sky. "Then its good."

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