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*Seven years ago*

Alyssa liked rich people parties. Not that she had many friends at them – the only person who really enjoyed her company was Lex – but the Queen family always showed up, and that meant she got to drool over Oliver.

Oliver Queen probably didn't know she existed, and that was okay, she just liked to admire him from afar.

Alyssa had never actually had a romantic relationship before. She had spent most of her adolescence hung up on Edward, and even they most boys had found her...abrasive.

Lex and Jerome both appreciated her blunt nature however, even supported it. That was really all that mattered to her, but still, it might be nice to explore a relationship.

In her head, Oliver Queen was the perfect lover. He would spoil her, showering her with gifts and kisses 24/7.

In reality however, the guy was kind of a jerk. At least that was what Lex said, Alyssa had never actually spoken to him herself.

That is until her little ginger took matters into his own hands.

"Where are we going?" she demanded as he dragged her through the mansion.

"Its a surprise."

"You know I don't like surprises."

He stopped and gave her a puppy dog look over his shoulder. "Please just go with it? For me?"

"...You're really lucky you're cute." Alyssa grumbled.

Grinning smugly, Jerome resumed his pulling until he came to one of the many bedrooms. The only thing different about this mahogany door was that it was shaking slightly from someone banging on the other side of it.

"Good luck!" Jerome said, unlocking the door and throwing her inside.

"Hey!" she stumbled and paled slightly when she heard the lock click. "J!"

"Who the hell are you?"

Alyssa turned and her eyes went wide when she saw the gorgeous boy billionaire that had disappeared from the party about ten minutes ago. "Ohhhh. Now it makes sense....." she said to herself. Oliver raised an eyebrow at her, clearly expecting an answer. "Sorry." she shook her head and held out a hand. "Alyssa Connors. The boy who trapped us in here was a friend of mine; Jerome."

Still looking confused, he took her hand and kissed the back, like Lex had said all elite gentlemen were taught to do. Alyssa fought the urge to blush.

"Oliver Queen. I wish we could have met under better circumstances." he gave her a flirty smirk that she had seen on every idiot who just wanted a pretty thing on their arm or...ya know.

"Yeah, well." she pulled her hand away. This was why she'd never wanted to meet him. "Sadly I can't control my kid."

"You look a little young to have children."

"What can I say, I have a natural mothering complex."


Haly's circus arrived in Gotham on Friday, and Alyssa was there waiting for them.

By now they'd all come to expect her to be in the field while they set up. She had even made friends with some of the nicer people, not that there were many.

"You're really gonna let some stupid feud keep you away from her?" she asked the acrobat as he handed her two cotton candies, which she always showed up at Jerome's door with.

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