Living In A Coo-Coo Clock

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A/N: A double update for your dear writer's birthday. :)

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.

"Mommy...? Why doesn't daddy love us?"

"Stop it! Don't touch her!"

"You can have me but cannot hold me; gain me and quickly loose me. If treated with care, I am great, and if betrayed I will break. What am I?"

"She's just a kid."

"I expect great things from you, Ms. Connors. Very great things."

"Promise me we'll always be together?"


"Yes Ms. Mooney...."

"You're in the game now. No turning back."




"What happened?"


Alyssa's shot open and she gasped for breath like she had been underwater. She looked around, trying to get her bearings.

This was her room, her bed, her apartment.

Her hand went to her wrist, and she turned her bracelet, brushing her fingers over the charms as they passed the top of her wrist. The feel of the familiar shapes – and the memories that came with them – had always calmed her down.

Once she remembered where she was and how she had gotten there, she pulled the bedsheet up her chest and looked around for Edward, but he was no where to be found. Frowning, she stood and grabbed her robe of the back of her closet door, sliding it on before going out to look for him.

She found him in the kitchen, in only his undershirt and the pants he had been wearing yesterday, setting a mug of coffee next to a fully made breakfast. He looked up when she came in.

"Alyssa." he smiled. "Good morning."

"Morning. This for me?"

"Yes." he nodded. "I woke up early, I've already eaten."

"Why didn't you wake me? We could've eaten together." she slid into her seat at the breakfast bar.

"I, well I knew how stressed you've been lately." he said somewhat sheepishly. "With your recovery, and with your campaign. You needed the rest."

"You're doing that thing again; where you analyze something about me and don't tell me." he looked down. "Eddie?"

"I just-I just worry about you, that's all."

"Mm-mm." she shook her head. "You've worried about me since we were teenagers; this is different."

He took his glasses off and sighed as he rubbed his eyes. "...You made it stop." he said softly. "He's gone." he tapped his temple. "Or at the very least he's quiet. I-I don't know what happened, but I don't wanna mess it up. I don't know how delicate it all is...."

"Hey..." she reached over the counter and took his hand. "I know none of its guaranteed, and I know how much not knowing bothers you, but you can't worry so much poindexter."

"I can't just turn it off."

"Well maybe I can." her fingers ran up his arm as she stood and walked around the counter to wind her arms around his waist. "Here's what I want you to do: shut your eyes-" she kissed his shoulder. "clear your mind-" she kissed his neck. "and just focus on me." she whispered in his ear.

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