A New Day?

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*Two weeks ago*

Despite the large bruise on his jaw, Benjamin Wyatt wasn't one to give up easy. He watched Alyssa's every move, even if she wasn't aware of it. Edward picked up on it however, and was determined to put an end to it.

He waited outside her apartment building in his car until Ben came down the sidewalk and was quick to jump into action.

"Stop right there buster!"

"Riddle man?" Ben asked, his voice sounding slightly slurred. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"You need to leave Alyssa alone." the two men mat in the street.


"I'm not gonna let you hurt her. Ever again." Edward tried very hard to gather his courage – this was for the woman he loved. "I think you need to leave Gotham. Tonight."

Ben laughed at him. "You know from the stories Alyssa used to tell about you, I always pictured some brainiac. But you can't be all that smart if you showed up here." he threw a punch into Edward's stomach that made him double over. "You want more?" Ben said, laughing. "Upsee daisy –" he tried to pull him up just to knock him down again, but Edward was quicker.

He slid a knife into Benjamin Tucker's stomach. And then he did it again, and again.

"O-Oh dear...."


Commissioner Lobe had slowly but surely driven his top two detectives out. Well, only one really. Harvey had quit, but Jim had been sticking with the traffic cop job, bless him.

As such, Alyssa's time at the GCPD had lessened. She now only had her boyfriend to visit, and occasionally Essen when the captain had the time.

To his credit, Edward was very good at hiding the voice that had manifested in his head from her. There was only one thing he and the other Edward agreed on, and that was a love for Alyssa Connors.

Though perhaps they defined the word differently.

"He's gone, relax." Edward jumped, looking at his reflection in the mirror. "Holy moly, look at you. Everyone's gonna think you're goin' nuts!"

"I get nervous when you talk to me with other people around like that." the Edward in the mirror mocked his expression. "Stop doing that!"


"That! Copying me!"

"Dude, its a mirror. That's how they work."

Edward bent down to splash some water on his face, doing his best to ignore the image in the mirror.

"You know what I think we need?" he asked anyway. "I think, we need, a little more fun. A little moreromance."

"Stop! I know where this is going, I told you, leave Alyssa alone!"

"Aw, come on, like you haven't thought about it? I mean we've been with her for months now –" he gave him a pitying look. "Just kisses ain't gonna keep her around forever."

"You- You can't do that. She won't like you." Edward stuttered.

"Are you kidding me? Of course she'll like me, I'm you!" the reflection informed. "And she's already said she loves you. Course that could change pretty easy – girl like that wants a man, not a boy."

"Be quiet!"


"Knock knock." Alyssa said, tapping on Edward's office door and making him look up from his work.

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