Madame Mayor

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For as long as Alyssa could remember, the mayor's office had always been held in regards to the current crime boss of the city – the politics in Gotham was ruled by its crime, and everyone knew it even if some refused to admit it.

Now, it seemed the other way around however. Upon her election she had received a letter from Oswald – the only contact she had had with him since their falling out – congratulating her and assuring her that he was at her disposal should she need him. It was all very professional, as they both knew their jobs entailed that sort of relationship even if they were no longer friends.

"Isn't it a conflict of interest for you to be mayor when James had you arrested for breaking into his office?"

"That only happened once, and its not my fault his security stunk." Alyssa did not look up from arranging files in her desk.

"It happened fourteen times; its just on the record once because you've got a friend on the force."

"You know you love me." she glanced up just enough to smirk at the detective.

"Yeah, because I have to be crazy." Harvey rolled his eyes. "But I'm hoping you being mayor will mean me having to bail you out less."

"I got out of trouble before I met you you know."

"Yeah and how'd you do that again?"

"Bribed, broke out, snuck off. There was never anyone who cared enough to track me down." she stood."Its a broken system Harv; its my job to fix it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have security guards to fire."

Harvey chuckled and stepped aside to let her walk past him. "Don't let me keep ya, Madame Mayor."


*Nine years ago*

Despite having her own fortune now, Alyssa did not live as lavishly as the people she now surrounded herself with. These people had money to burn; and to be fair, with the investments she had made with her father's money so did she. In fact, with her simpler way of life, she probably had more in her bank account than some of these people – but it didn't make her stick out any less.

Still, she was at this party because Lex asked her to be, because he couldn't stand the people he'd grown up with any more than she could. Well, that and he often got too drunk at these parties to drive himself home, so she was there to babysit him.

In good company however, there was rarely a need to drink.

"Oh, Armani never fit a man better." Alyssa leaned her chin on her hand.

"Would you stop drooling over Queen?" Lex grimaced. "I told you; he's a drunken playboy."

Alyssa scoffed a laugh and finally pulled her gaze away from Oliver to look at her friend. "Uh, pot, kettle, black?"

"Well that's how I know you're too good for him."

"Love you too Alex."

Lex rolled his eyes. Ever since he had made the mistake of telling her Lex was short for Alexander, she'd taken to calling him Alex. After being called Lex all his life Alex didn't seem to fit, but it was the very reason Alyssa persisted. "I mean it Ali –" he grinned slightly when she scowled at the nickname he'd given her. "You can do better. You deserve someone who'll treat you like a queen because they believe you are one – not just because they have the means to."

"Then I, am at the wrong kind of party."

Lex frowned, not having a reply to that. He glanced around at the people in fancy clothes with blinding jewelry, celebrating he didn't even know what. His eyes were then drawn down to the glass of bourbon in his hand that he had yet to drink from. With a sudden resolution, he set it down on the table.

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