Being Brave

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Alyssa fumbled with her keys as she pushed Edward against the door. She could taste the alchol on his breath, or maybe it was just her own. Either way Edward was a lot more handsy once he had a few in him.

Even then, Alyssa was the one who had to drive. He was far too much of a gentleman to do anything on his own, so he just went off the cues she gave him.

They both stumbled back as Alyssa managed to get the door open. She kicked it shut behind her, pulling away to catch her breath.

"Wow..." Edward pulled off his glasses to wipe away the fog that had clouded them.

She chuckled. "You have lipstick on your face." He blushed slightly, going to wipe it off, but she caught his hand. "Don't bother, Eddie. Wipe it off, its bound to be replaced." she smirked.

His blush only intensified. "Alyssa....I was wondering...."


"Are we – I mean, could we be considered a couple?"

"Well I certainly hope so, otherwise I have no idea what you're doing here."

Edward chuckled nervously. "I'm sorry, I just, this is all new to me..."

"Don't worry, Eddie." she stepped up, taking both his hands and lacing their fingers together. "I'm right here with you."

"H-have you ever had a relationship before?" he asked her, realizing that he didn't know.

"A couple." Alyssa admitted. "Never anything serious though."

"And this is serious?"

"Do you want it to be?"

Edward took a moment, not wanting to give her a rushed answer. Alyssa was his opposite in every sense of the word, yet he was drawn to her like a magnet. He'd taken a chance to see if the feelings he had for her were stronger than friendship, and by god they were.

She was captivating. She always had been, but now he got to add kissing him and touching him to the ways she could make his mind foggy.



Ring ring!

"Claire, you need to share the toys! David, leave Hunter alone! And has anyone seen Alexis?"

Ring ring!

Fumbling to push two fighting boys off each other, Alyssa was finally able to reach her phone. "Yes, hello!"

"Alyssa, I was beginning to worry."

She stood up abruptly, making the boys pushing against her stumble into the ground. "Don Falcone! I-I'm sorry, what can I do for you?"

"My dear you have experience in running businesses, yes?"

"Yes sir!"

"Well I was hoping you could come down to Fish's old place, give the new management a few pointers."

"Of course, I can do that. May I ask who I'd be working with?"

"Oswald Cobblepot."


After smacking him for disappearing on her again, Alyssa only got to help Oswald plan the redesign of the bar for a few hours before Jim called her into the GCPD.

"The man from the support group, what do you know about him?" Jim demanded with a supior attitude.

"I told you already. Look, I dug this out to prove it." she pulled a Gotham High yearbook from the bag at her hip. Flipping it open, she found the page she was looking for and held it out to him. "There see? Gerald Crane, biology teacher at Gotham High."

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