A Matter Of Control

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A/N: Yoo-hoo anyone out there? I've gotten zero feedback on the last few chapters. Did you guys not like them or....?

Despite his now cleared name, Jim had turned down the offer to return to the GCPD. He said he wanted to solve the Wayne murder first. Now that they knew who had pulled the trigger, he could work backwards from there; find out who hired him and why.

He was currently tracking down a woman called 'The Lady', who had been in the wind since Jim had taken down her a team of hitmen. Now that she was out of the mob world – well as out as one could be – Alyssa actually found it rather amusing to watch Jim stir up trouble in it. He was going after every hit man in the city to see who knew where to find The Lady.

Suffice it to say, it was a very bad day for the hit men of Gotham.

Alyssa looked up at the sound of a knock on her apartment door. That was odd, the only person who came to the apartment these days was Selina, and she always used the window.

Grabbing the gun Victor Zasz had given her and making sure it was loaded, she approached the door carefully. She opened it to the smiling face of the last person she expected to see.

"Hey girlfriend."

"Barbara?" Alyssa frowned. "I thought you were in Arkham. And in a coma for that matter."

"I was released. And I woke up, clearly."

She huffed. "Strange never tells me anything. Come on in." she nodded her forward.

Once Barbara was inside and the door was closed behind her, the two embraced.

"Oh, it is so good to see you!" Barbara said. "How have you been?" she pulled back to look at her.

Alyssa scoffed. "Its Gotham, B. I'm the mayor, how do you think I've been?"

"You look like you need some girl time. Want me to make cocktails?"


Several drinks later, Barbara had been caught up on what had happened in the city since her hostage wedding and subsequent coma.

"Wow. You miss a lot bein' asleep."

"At least the beauty rest did you good."

She laughed. "Yeah....I'm really sorry."

"What for?"

She shrugged. "Everything, I guess. Kidnapping you, forcing you to be my maid of honor. Every crappy thing that's happened since."

"Hey, my crappy life is not your fault." Alyssa informed. "Besides, I liked being your maid of honor. Though perhaps next time you should have a willing groom."

"Yeah, that would be good." she nodded. "Speaking of grooms, how's your man? He proposed yet?"

Alyssa's face fell. "Actually he took your place in Arkham."

"What happened?"

"Turns out my horrible luck with men continues; this one's a serial killer who tried to frame Jim. That's why he went to Blackgate."

"Oh Alyssa....I'm so sorry."

"It sucks." she nodded, gulping down the last of the cocktail in her hand.

"How do you feel?"

"Like it sucks."

"No, I mean, are you okay? Do you feel like throwing things, or crying your eyes out?"

"I dunno. Both, neither, all of it."

Barbara huffed. "And I thought I was tough to crack. You put up a strong face though, I almost thought you were good."

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