I Have Been Tagged!

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I was tagged by HellOverlord, so this is a thing I'm doing.

1. Do you have a crush?

Unless we're counting fictional characters, no. And if we are, there's way too many to list.

2. Middle name?


3. Height?

Uh, 5'9 if I'm remembering correctly.

4. Foot size?

9-10 US depending on the shoe and the store. I swear, someone needs to set a universal standard for women's sizes.

5. Eye color?

Think milk chocolate. Dang. Now I want chocolate.

6. What's your biggest fear?

That varies depending on the situation. With the exception of things like butterflies and lighting bugs I don't like insects. I'm the kind of person who squeals and runs away at the sight of a spider. If we're getting deep though, I'm really really scared of failing college.

7. When was the last time you cried?

Yesterday. I made the mistake of reading a really angsty Supernatural imagine on tumblr.

8. What was the last song you listened to?

I'm listening to Simple Plan's Problem Child right now.

9. Who was the last person you talked too?

My mom when she came in to check on me. I'm a little under the weather at the moment. Besides, I'm not all that popular outside of the internet.

My turn to tag huh? Okay, 123shamelessTheOneTimeForgotEmt360 I summon thee!

(P.S.: People who thought this was an update; don't worry I'm typing the next chapter as you're reading these words.)

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